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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Free Garden City Summer Shuttle

Garden City Shuttle Map

The Garden City shuttle is now running.  If you would like to print out the map to give to your patrons please use this link HERE.

Pickleball Court In Garden City

A new pickleball court was painted by Nate Carter and Dale Brower at the Garden City Park. The free equipment will be located at Pugstone's on Bear Lake Blvd. We hope you will enjoy this new activity at the park along with new tetherballs, new parking, and linseed on the boardwalk.

How to Play the Game

Basic Overview

Pickle-ball® is played on a badminton-sized court: 20’ x 44.’ The ball is served diagonally (starting with the right-hand service-square), and points can only be scored by the side that serves.

Players on each side must let the ball bounce once before volleys are allowed, and there is a seven-foot no-volley zone on each side of the net, to prevent “spiking.” The server continues to serve, alternating service courts, until he or she faults. The first side scoring eleven points and leading by at least two points wins. Pickle-ball® can be played with singles or doubles.
The Serve

Serves are to be made diagonally, starting with the right-hand service-square and alternating each serve. The serve must clear the seven-foot non-volley-zone in front of the net and land in the diagonal service court.

Serves should always be done underhand with the paddle below the waist, and the server must keep both feet behind the back line when serving. The ball should be hit into the air without being bounced. The serving side will continue to serve until the there is a fault on the service, at which point the service will be given to the opposing side. (However, if the ball touches the net but still lands within the appropriate service court, the serve may be taken over.)

To volley means to hit a ball in the air without first letting it bounce. In Pickle-ball®, this can only be done when the player’s feet are behind the non-volley zone line (seven feet behind the net).
Double-Bounce Rule

Each team must play their first shot off of the bounce. That is, the receiving team must let the serve bounce and the serving team must let the return of the serve bounce before playing it. Once these two bounces have occurred, the ball can either be volleyed or played off the bounce.

  • A fault is committed when the ball:
  • Is hit out of bounds
  • Does not clear the net
  • Is volleyed from the non-volley zone
  • Is volleyed before a bounce has occurred on each side
Determining Serving Team

The serving team may decide who will serve first with a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss will have the option to choose whether or not to serve first.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Cisco Sonar

Inflow and Littoral Zones
By Bryce Nielson, The Character

Bear Lake is once again showing all of us, that despite all of the water experts and stacks of data, she will defy predictions and do what she wants.  After watching this pattern intensively for over 40 years, I can safely say that nothing is ever the same and with climate change, each year is more bizarre. 
This year, it was all drought and dire predictions of no water.  You have to remember that in Utah, water estimates are made from snowpack.  You see that we rely on reservoir storage filled by snowmelt.  Most other areas in the country use water from the ground, rivers and lakes while most irrigation water falls from the sky. So when they predicted low lake levels using that approach, they were correct.  The thing that is always left out, in my opinion, is spring rains, natural flow in the Bear River and irrigation demands using storage water.  So in the spring of 2015, heavy spring precipitation added 5+ inches of rainwater to the lake surface, increased the natural flow in the river which was diverted into the lake and reduced irrigation demand to nothing.  The result was another 1.5 feet of additional water into the lake.
I use this as an example as to why people should not get focused on believing Bear Lake is static.  Recently, folks have assumed that the beaches were permanent.  Ideas were put forward to drain areas with ditches, remove vegetation and make sandy beaches everywhere which I have expressed my thoughts on that.  How could our elected officials justify the $10,000’s already spent on planning and $10,000’s more to do work below the high water line just to have in erased by one unpredictable spring?  The money expended on littoral zone vegetation manipulation has also been wasted.   
Phragmities is being replaced by hardstem bulrush which is predictable.  Uncalculated tons of sand have moved to different places.
If we chose to live by this unmatched, beautiful, body of water, then let’s follow her rules and not fight a losing battle trying to change the lake into something it isn’t. 
p.s.   I hate to see the Muddled Male leave the Valley.  It was unclear whether he was just being moved away from bad influences.`  He once made the statement that he wished he was tough an outdoorsy like Cisco.  I assure you there is no comparison to Bob’s strength putting up with Ann all these years.  (joke.. we know the true story)