Willoughby-Rich County Attorney presented a discussion on the creation of a
Rich County Trails Board. (This is a great opportunity for citizens to
volunteer to serve on the committee). Approved by the Commission.
Reviewed the
Building Permit Ordinance to tier the cost of completing construction of
buildings or additions in a timely manner. The charge would be refunded upon
completion within the required time frame.
The Annual Interlocal agreement with BRAG (This is Bear River Association of Governments
including: Rich, Cache, & Box Elder Counties). Approved.
to impose a .03% Sales Tax for Public Safety. This tax may be used in various
ways. Since Rich County is designated as a tier 6 County the Commission does
not have to hold a Truth in Taxation Public Hearing. This was approved.
to amend Personnel Policy for overtime was reviewed. Each department will be in
charge of reviewing the new policy. Approved.
11:00 Public Hearing about the Protection Ordinance for the canals-much discussion.
11:15 Public Hearing about the Short Term Ordinance for the County. the problem for the County is when people decide not to do a STR and don't call the Tax Assessor and then they want to be taken off. Public Hearing closed. Regular meeting amended STR an approved the new and improved version.
1:00 Bear lake Regional Commission-Mitch Poulsen-Director, discussion of Short Term Rental Contracts. Problems with provider tracking STR.
1:15 Blair Stringham, Utah Dept. of Natural resources-2024 PILT Check
1:30 Business License for Cedar & stone Contractors, LLC-Jared Hislop
1:45 Utah State Parks-2024 Status Report by Richard Droesbeck
2:00 Bear lake Regional Commission-Mitch Poulsen-Director, discussion of Short Term Rental Contracts.
Commission Business:
Feb. meeting