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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

by Lauriann Wakefield





10:00 Randall Knight, Garden City Fire District Fall Update 

10:15 Heather McGee, Bear River Health Department County Update 

10:30 Braeden Daly, Business Owner Business License 

10:45 LouJean Argyle, Treasurer Building Permit Expiration Fees Circuit Breakers 

11:00 Ben Willoughby, Attorney Health Department MOU 

11:15 Kim Wilson, Assessor Board of Equalization Appeals 

11:30 COMMISSION BUSINESS RFP Approval for Audit Utah Counties Indemnity Pool Resolution

 Approve Expenditures Approve Minutes 1


Monday, September 30, 2024

Rich County 4-H October Newsletter


4-H Club Divisions

Utah 4-H Age Divisions are based on a child's school grade.  Youth are eligible to participate in 4-H between Kindergarten and 12th Grade.  Youth who are homeschooled will follow the Utah State Board of Education criteria for placement based on age.  

  • Cloverbud 4-H members Kindergarten through 2nd grade (Ages 5 through 7 as of September 1).
  • Junior 4-H Members 3rd through 5th grade (Ages 8 through 10 as of September 1).
  • Intermediate 4-H Members 6th through 8th grade (Ages 11 through 13 as of September 1).
  • Senior 4-H Members 9th through 12th grade ( Ages 14 through 18 as of September 1). 
Info! *Large animal, shooting sports, and ATV projects and activities require youth to be at least in 3rd grade and at least 8 years of age.  Youth in the 3rd grade who are 7 years old and turn 8 during the third-grade school year may enroll in large animal, shooting sports,and ATV projects upon turning 8.  Eligibility for 4-H membership terminates upon graduation from 12th grade.  Seniors may exhibit through the summer of their graduation year.

Bear Lake Regional Commission is hiring

 Bear Lake Regional Commission is hiring.

Employment Opportunity
Bear Lake Regional Commission
The Bear Lake Regional Commission is seeking qualified candidates to fill the
position of secretary/administrator. We are seeking an individual who is
organized with an even temper and generally outgoing demeanor.
General job duties include but are not limited to: taking and transcribing minutes
for meetings, filing applications and maintaining database of paper and electronic
files, answering phone calls and emails and maintaining website.
The candidate of choice must be proficient in commonly used computer software
including office suite and google platforms in addition to office hardware
Must be able to adapt to dynamic work-flow and changing work priorities.
Compensation starts at $18/hr.
Interested parties may submit a resume to apply for this position. Position will
remain open until filled. Resumes may be submitted to Mitch Poulsen at the
following email:

Fall Market Days October 3rd, 4th, & 5th


BEAR LAKE and BEAR LAKE STATE PARK Conditions, as of 9/28/2024:

 BEAR LAKE and BEAR LAKE STATE PARK Conditions, as of 9/28/2024:

Lake Temperature: @ 65.7 degrees as measured in the Bear Lake State Park Marina. The temperature on the lake proper usually varies 1 to 2 degrees than inside the marina.
Current Lake Elevation: @ 5917.65'.
Full elevation: 5923.65'.
2024/25 Low elevation: 5917.70'.
2024 High elevation: 5920.20'.
2023/24 Low elevation: 5916.10'.
2023 High elevation: 5917.20'.
2022/23 Low elevation: 5909.70'.
2022 High elevation: 5913.65'.
2021/22 Low elevation: 5912.10'.
State Marina - OPEN.
Rendezvous Beach - ADVISORY. Due to the current lake elevation, we do not recommend the launching of boats on this launch ramp. The lake level is currently at the bottom of the concrete launch ramp.
First Point - OPEN.
Cisco Beach - OPEN. ADVISORY: 4WD is recommended.
Rainbow Cove - CLOSED for construction. We hope to have access to the launch ramp by mid October, 2024.

Rich School District

Pictures by Lauriann Wakefield


Thurs. - October 3

    Rich Middle School Volleyball with Kemmerer

    9th grade Football @ No. Summit

Fri. - October 4

    Rich Middle School Volleyball @ Manila

    Rich High Football with Grace

Sat. - October 5

    Rich Middle School Volleyball with Pinedale & Big Piney

    Rich Middle School Football with Cokeville

    Rich High Volleyball with Tintic

Take a look at Rich High Forum to see the latest pictures of the teams

HAZARD MITIGATION KICKOFF MEETING Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4pm - 5pm

Everyone is invitedThe kickoff meeting is to gather public input of potential local hazards that may require a mitigation action. We will start with the mitigation meeting and get pubic input. The FEMA Pre-Mitigation study is done by BRAG for Box Elder, Cache and Rich counties every five years. This document is  required so if a disaster occurs the county would be eligible for assistance.   

The quarterly LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) meeting will follow for those interested.

Bryce Nielson Rich County Emergency Manager

Garden City Town Hall Bldg C, Lake View Room 69 North Paradise Parkway Garden City, UT Dinner Provided: RSVP to or

Bear Lake Watch Initiative

 This event is presented by the partners of the USGS Platform Study: USGS, Utah DEQ, Idaho DEQ, Bear Lake Watch, and PacifiCorp; in collaboration with Utah State University, USFWS Bear Lake Refuge, Bear River Water Users Association, and other agencies and policymakers.

Throughout the West, we need to take a hard look at the sustainability of our natural resources. Many of our resources are managed and operated on century-old infrastructure and social norms. Nowhere is this more evident than at Bear Lake where we continue to allow tons of sediment and nutrients to enter and damage this uniquely oligotrophic lake.

As there is no single agency or department in either Utah or Idaho tasked with fixing this problem, it must be a combined effort. As a modern society, we cannot stand by and do nothing. We have the data. We see the impacts. It is only our actions that are lagging. As partners in the system, we must take the initiative to develop and implement effective measures to reduce sediment and nutrient inflow into Bear Lake before it permanently alters our precious lake.

We thank you in advance for being willing to share your invaluable knowledge, ideas, expertise, and common sense. All will be essential as we work together to develop an innovative plan to reduce the harmful sediment and nutrient inflow into Bear Lake.

It is our collective, societal obligation to see that we don't destroy this precious gem that has served so well. Take the initiative.

Eurasian Watermilfoil Symposium on Zoom October 18, 2024

Bear Lake Watch, together with the Utah State University Janet Quinney Lawson Institute of Land, Water, and Air; the Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation, and the Aquatic Plant Management Society are sponsoring a virtual scientific symposium to inform stakeholders of Bear Lake (UT/ID) on up-to-date Eurasian Watermilfoil science and best practices for management of invasive species. Stakeholders include governmental agencies, research scientists, Bear Lake Watch, consultants, applicators/contractors, and the general public. 

The symposium will take place on Zoom and talks will be recorded and posted for viewing afterwards on the Bear Lake Watch website. Top scientists and groups will be participating in the symposium, covering a variety of important and timely topics, including recent updates on Bear Lake’s science. 

“Bear Lake Watch is excited to convene this outstanding group of top scientists and organizations whose work and experience protects lakes from threats such as Eurasian Watermilfoil and other invasive species. This symposium will inform plans to monitor, treat, prevent invasive species and provide long-term protection against threats to Bear Lake for generations to come,” said Brady T. Long, Executive Director of Bear Lake Watch.

Preliminary Agenda

October 18, 2024 10:00AM–2:00PM MT


The symposium is free-of-charge to all attendees and will take place on Zoom. For more info, scan the QR code or visit:
