Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times
RANDOLPH, Utah. October 7, 2015. Richard Droesbeck, State Park Manager and Dave Harris, State Parks Regional Manager, gave their annual report.
Over 255,000 people visited the parks and marina in Rich County. Droesbeck felt that it was a conservative estimate. Gross revenues were about $989,000, which is the the highest ever. In just a few years the park has gone from grossing $600,000 a year to earning just under a million dollars. Gross revenues this year were $73,000 more than last year. This is after the TRT taxes have been paid to the local area.
The Bear Lake area brings in 47 % of state parks
profit. They project over a million dollars in earnings next year.
"How will you fit in more people?" asked Commissioner Tom Weston. "Not only that, the parks need a full time maintenance person. Since we have so much profit and so many people can some of that profit be used for that?"
Droesbeck said he was trying to work on that. This is a problem throughout the park system.
Commissioner Bill Cox said that estimates for expansion of the marina reach over $42 million, but the marina alone has had nearly 150,000 visitors.
Droesbeck said, "A lot of parks are doing better and the division is becoming closer to become self funding. Director Harris said that Richard and the park crew have done a great job. Droesbeck is now certified as a law enforcement officer as well as park service officer.
Bear Lake Fun has the concession for the lake. Their revenues for this year were approximately $970,000. State Parks get 10% of that.
Droesbeck said that the 6th
annual Cisco Disco and Plunge is increasing each year. The Bear Lake Chamber is trying to make it a two day event with such things as the Chili cookoff, and maybe a Chocolate Festival. The Bear
Lake Shake is held in spring on a slow weekend.
It is increasing with a boat poker run, yacht race, catch and release fishing
contest with Pugstones in Garden City. The Swim Across Bear Lake in July is growing. Droesbeck added half mile and mile races and relay
races. This year they had 70 people participate.
The Ninth Annual September Bear Lake Brawl was held. It is a
good shoulder season event. There was a Boat Light Parade
for Raspberry Days on Saturday night. Lot
of people doing family reunions at the parks at these times.
Droesbeck said that "huge progress is happening with interlocal agreements with Idaho. A lawyer
is drafting a letter to Idaho legislators to deal with the barriers to cooperation in search and rescue." Droesbeck the radio inter-operatibilty is an issue because there is no way to communicate between states. "In the meantime on our patrol boats
now we have a channel on the old technology to communicate with Idaho. The goal is to get Idaho to upgrade their system."
Rendevous campground has two new restrooms being built. There is
radiant heat in floor of restrooms which allow them to be open earlier in
spring and close later in winter. The goal is to
replace one a fiscal year until the old ones are all replaced.
Droesbeck wants to create large group sites which generate
more revenue at Rendezvous. They are looking at creating more pavilions. Icon heath and fitness
donated $25,000 in June and will do the same
in December, so a pavilion is being built on
the beach with that.
At the marina a new Mast lift has been installed. Cox asked
if this was a conflict with the concessionaire who charges for mast lifts.
Droesbeck said that the concessionaire offers the labor to do it and will charge for it, it is free if one does it themselves.
A paved road into Cisco beach
planned. Critical issues: a full time station person needed, as the lake is lower beach grooming is needed and permits
from Army Corps of Engineers must be obtained. During several weekends the marina was completely full so expanding the marina
will help.
Additional parking is needed everywhere.
Rendezvous was at capacity every weekend. When the lake comes up there will be a real problem for parking. There needs to be more restrooms for day use beaches. East side of the lake also has parking issues. State Parks would like to bring in water and sewer to east side
of lake. They are also working on access to the lake and still working to keep quagga mussels from the lake.
OHV access from Rendezvous to Meadowville is needed to tie in with mountain trails for non street legal vehicles.