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Friday, October 9, 2015

Election News


This year,the Rich County Election will be strictly a mail-in vote.

We believe this will be a great convenience to our voters and greatly raise our participation level and voter turnout. Each registered voter will be mailed a regular absentee election ballot several days before the election day of November 3, 2015. There will be no polling place for the election. There will be instructions for returning the ballot a nd a ny deadlines that you must meet in order for your vote to be counted. If you do not follow these instructions, your vote cannot be counted.


You may mail in the ballot in any time after you receive it. When your ballot is received we will verify your signature and will put your ballot in a safe place until the count is made by our optical scan machine.

If you do not receive a ballot and believe you are a registered voter or want to become one, please call the Rich County Clerk, 435-793-2415.

Voting Issue: Rich County
Voter Pamphlet Information FOR Local Option Sales Tax

Citizens of Rich County, the .25% Local Option Sales Tax is as it states a SALES TAX. It is not an additional gas tax and does not tax food or ingredients used in food preparation. The Local Option Sales Tax, if approved by our Rich County voters, would mean an additional 25¢ per $100 spent on products purchased in the county by residents as well as non-residents.

It is important to understand that of the 25¢, 15¢ of each $100 would come directly to the county to support our county road construction and maintenance. There are approximately 350 miles of county roads, including asphalt, gravel and dirt. Request for new construction have been put on hold until funds can be secured and many requests for maintenance or dust suppressant are always challenging to fulfill.

The other 10¢ per $100 would be included in a statewide pool with all other counties in which the local option tax is approved. The pooled funds would be redistributed back to our towns/county based on two different formulas. Fifty percent (50%} is redistributed based on proportion of population among the counties included in the pool. The other fifty percent (50%} is redistributed based on point of sale within the county. This pooled fund would support any projects related to transportation such as trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, road construction/maintenance to name a few.

The most often complaint heard by our county and town governments relates to the condition of our roads which have been increasingly deteriorating for many years. We know that roads cost more taxpayer dollars when they are not maintained. Things like slurry seals, chip seals, and overlays that keep roads is good shape cost money but are far less expensive than going without maintenance and having to rebuild a road. Choosing to maintain our roads today is the financially responsible and fiscally conservative approach.

Prop 1 is NOT for the construction of major highways. Prop 1 is dedicated exclusively to our local transportation needs arid will provide an additional source of local transportation funding. This is a historic moment to join our local government officials in support of Prop 1.

Voting YES will help fill a nasty pothole on your local street, provide for a much needed asphalt road or an application of dust suppressant, finish a much needed sidewalk, or add a trail, and bike path so you · have more transportation choices.

Rich County Board of Commissioners: William Cox, Norman Weston, Thomas Weston

No argument against was submitted that qualified to be included, in accordance with state code requirements (59-1-1604)
PUBLIC MEETING to Discuss Proposition #1 

When: Tuesday October 27, 2015, at 6:00 PM
Where: Rich County Courthouse, 20 South Main, Randolph, Utah

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