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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

History of Our Area

 Laketown Band

At a pioneer celebration in July 1890, music was furnished by a harmonic band. Joseph Robinson on that day said, "By another year we will have a brass band." He called a meeting of those interested.

The following 14 men bought instruments: Joseph and Heber Robinson; Lehi, Thomas, Ammon and Jerry Earley; John and Samuel Weston; Luther B. Reed; Chris C. Kearl; George Thomson.

In a measure, the United Order was practiced, for each member paid the same portion then drew for the instrument he should learn to play.

Luther B. Reed went to Evanston, 30 miles away and brought the instruments home, The first night after they were distributed the men serenaded the town and made all the noise they could. It is said that all the dogs in town left and one lame ox ran away and when he came back his lameness was gone.

Joseph Robinson practiced and they began to learn to play their different instruments. In the spring of 1891, Professor Hansen of Montpelier came 40 miles to give lessons. By the 4th of July celebration in 1891 the members were prepared to play several tunes.

Edwin Lamborn built a band wagon and they led the parade, then to the lake playing as they went along. Later, caps were purchased with lamps attached to them so they could play at night.

by Jane L. Robinson from the book "Rich Memories a history of Rich County".

Report from Annaliesa Peart about ballots


Anneliesa Peart (Rich County Clerk) spoke to the Empty Nesters last evening and told the group that people need to sign their own ballot. Sometimes people sign for others and the signature doesn’t align with the bar code which is attached to your voter registration signature.  The clerks then try to contact the voter to clarify the signature. Sometimes the clerks will pull up a driver’s license to verify the signature. Other times if a person is not feeling well the partner will sign the spouses name for them, but when the bar code is read it will reject the ballot because the signature is tied to the bar code. Every ballot is double tracked so that not just one person makes the decision. The ballot is fed through a machine and the signatures have to match.

On a side note.....I hope that Rich County will vote at 80% this election year! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to choose candidates to lead this great nation. (Bess)

by CarolAnn Dyer


South Side of Bear Lake Motor Lodge!

                     South side of Bear Lake Motor Lodge bites the dust!


Monday, October 14, 2024

Eurasian Watermilfoil Symposium on Zoom October 18, 2024

Bear Lake Watch, together with the Utah State University Janet Quinney Lawson Institute of Land, Water, and Air; the Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation, and the Aquatic Plant Management Society are sponsoring a virtual scientific symposium to inform stakeholders of Bear Lake (UT/ID) on up-to-date Eurasian Watermilfoil science and best practices for management of invasive species. Stakeholders include governmental agencies, research scientists, Bear Lake Watch, consultants, applicators/contractors, and the general public. 

The symposium will take place on Zoom and talks will be recorded and posted for viewing afterwards on the Bear Lake Watch website. Top scientists and groups will be participating in the symposium, covering a variety of important and timely topics, including recent updates on Bear Lake’s science. 

“Bear Lake Watch is excited to convene this outstanding group of top scientists and organizations whose work and experience protects lakes from threats such as Eurasian Watermilfoil and other invasive species. This symposium will inform plans to monitor, treat, prevent invasive species and provide long-term protection against threats to Bear Lake for generations to come,” said Brady T. Long, Executive Director of Bear Lake Watch.

Preliminary Agenda

October 18, 2024 10:00AM–2:00PM MT


The symposium is free-of-charge to all attendees and will take place on Zoom. For more info, scan the QR code or visit:


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Garden City Town Council Notes


Oct. 10th

Mattie from CAPSA asked the City to sign the pledge to support the measure against abuse. They did. If you would like to volunteer with CAPSA the number is 435-753-2500.

Riley Argyle with Public Works talked about the projects they are completing: the concession stand & bathrooms at Heritage Park; asphalt to connect the 89 near Mike’s Market on 3rd West; The Bridgerland water line is almost completed; Heritage Park will get power on Oct. 24. They installed French drains around the ball field;  plows are on the trucks in preparation for the snow; and the City is  waiting on the Div. of Drinking water to issue a permit to complete the well production on Hodges Canyon.

Dan Kurek, City Inspector, reported that Bear Lake Memorial Emergency building is almost ready for occupancy. They hope to be open by Nov. 1st and have hired the workers.

Bear Lake Vista (across from the Chevron) is planning to connect with US 89 in the spring. The Condo’s are prefab and are being built in Brigham City and will be transported to the site.

Business License name change for Livingston Homes approved.

Lot line adjustment 1t 1079South Lakeview in Bridgerland approved.

Osprey Heights have done their title search and the road dispute is on the correct owner’s property. Approved.

Council Member reports:

            Martel suggested a thank you card to Garden City 2nd ward Activity Days kids for removing the flowers and the Young Men for collecting the bags. He attended the UDOT meeting where they discussed the budget for trails, the Marina access, and the Round About at 3rd west.

            Pat has asked for volunteers for the 2025 Raspberry Days which will include a Pickleball tournament. She also said the Mixed Martial Arts evening had 500 people in attendance and 300 pay per view on line.

            Jordan reported that the wind screens for the Pickleball courts have been ordered.