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Friday, February 14, 2025

CentraCom is giving away six scholarships


CentraCom is giving away six scholarships.

It’s the time of year when high school seniors are thinking about the next great step in their lives—college. They are thinking about where to go, where to live, and what classes to take. College is a wonderful experience, but it can get expensive in a hurry. Application fees, tuition, student fees, housing, books… the list goes on and on.

We are committed to helping the students in our service areas achieve their goal of a college education. For the past 22 years, CentraCom has offered scholarships to eligible high school seniors planning to attend college. This has been a great opportunity not only to serve our community but to get to know future leaders of America.

We are pleased to announce that we have again partnered with Snow College to bring even larger scholarship value. We will give away six scholarships with an initial value of $750. If the recipient chooses to attend Snow College, the scholarship from CentraCom will be $1,500 and Snow College will match $500 raising the value to $2,000. The scholarship may be used for any college expense, such as tuition, books, housing, etc.

But hurry. The application deadline is April 11, 2025!

Rich County 4-H (keep your kids happy)


Thursday, February 13, 2025

GC Library News

Calling all writers! If you are looking for support, feedback, ideas or motivation, let us know. We would love to help facilitate a writer's group here in our area. Come on in to the library and talk to Katie.

Blind Date With A Book is still happening throughout the month of February. Check out a blind date, take it home and see if you're a match! You might even win a prize.

Book Club will meet Wed, Feb 19th at 6:00 pm, we'll be discussing and sharing the Blind Dates we read this month.

Winter Challenge is still going on through March 10th. Read 5 books from our suggested list of categories, and then enter to win a prize.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Skjoring is coming-pray for snow!


Rich County Commission Meeting Feb. 12 (Watch on You Tube)

 MORNING AGENDA All start times are ESTIMATED. If you need an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact Anneliesa Peart Rich County Clerk at (435)793-2415. *


10:00 Rob Johnson, Bear River Mental Health Services 2025 Addendum to Contract for Mental Health Services 2024 Audit Report 

10:15 Randall Knight, Board Chairman, Garden City Fire District Discussion on Funding 

10:30 Dustin Reilich, Deckard Technologies Software Demo 

10:45 Duane Robinson, Laketown Cemetery District Discussion on Road Proposal 

11:00 PUBLIC HEARING Rich County Ordinance for the County Trails Board 

11:15 Jordan Mathis, Bear River Health Department, with Ben Willoughby, Attorney Consideration of Multicounty United Local Health Department Interlocal Agreement 

11:30 Ben Willoughby, Attorney Consideration of temporary employment contract for Chris Crockett Discussion of Notice of Claim received related to the Sheriff’s Office 

12:00 BREAK 


1:00 Taylor Payne, Predator Control Board Member Predator Control 

1:15 Mitch Poulsen, Planning and Zoning Administrator Short-Term Rental Contract Discussion 

1:30 Kaia Bowden, Recorder Discussion on a Parcel Issue 

1:45 Kim Wilson, Assessor Board of Equalization (BOE) Business 


 Mental Health Grant Memo of Understanding Approval 

Peak Solutions Contract Approval 

Canal Ordinance Discussion Approve Expenditures 

Approve Minutes 2:30 


More Wrestling Pics


Monday, February 10, 2025

Excerpts from Rich County News - 2-12-1910

Whatever may be the outcome of H.J. Hauser's visit to Salt Lake as a Good Road Convention delegate, the county did well in paying his fare there and return.  As one interested in game and a booster generally, Mr. Hauser made a personal visit to state game Commissioner Fred W. Chambers, and succeeded in obtaining the following letter which is self explanatory, showing what a booster can do for his County.  What one man can do in one line, another can do in some other.

Salt Lake City
Jan. 29, 1910

Mr. Henry J. Hauser
Randolph, Rich County

Dear Sir;

In regard to planting trout fry in your County, I will plant 200,000 Eastern Brook trout in April this year and again in Sept. I will send Rich County 200,000 Native trout.  I will be in your county sometime this summer.  Will write you as to date later.


F. W. Chambers, Commissioner

                                                                                 * * *

Probation officer John Snowball has been taking some truant boys to school lately and after a little talking to them has turned them over to the teachers.  Mr. Snowball will take no more that way but says the next boy he catches playing "hookie" he will arrest.

                                                                                * * *

We think the standard of a few fellows could be raised if they would raise more hats and less hell; not only on the street but a public gatherings.

Just A Little Bear Lake History - LaBeaus


02/10/25 Rich County Sheriff's Office Report

 02/10/25 Rich County Sheriff's Office 5885

14:38 Law Total Incident Report, by Nature of Incident Page: 1

Nature of Incident Total Incidents

------------------------------ ---------------

Hit and Run Traffic Accident 1

Traffic Accident w/ Damage 4

Intrusion Alarm 1

Citizen Assist 8

Attempt to Locate Vehicle 1

Civil Dept. assist 4

Citizen Dispute 1

Domestic Violence 1

Fingerprints 1

Found Property 1

Fraud 1

Harassment 1

Keep the Peace 3

Sex Offense 1

Threat To Commit Suicide 1

Suspicious Incident 1

Suspicious Person 1

Suspicious Vehicle 1

Traffic Hazard 4

Traffic Violation 3

Prisoner Transport 1

Trespassing 1

VIN Number Inspection 3

Welfare Check 2


Total Incidents for This Report: 47

Marina Construction Update


February 2025 Updates

The project team has completed design and permitting for construction at the marina site, however, the process for permitting borrowed material is still in progress. 

Over the next 8-10 weeks our team will be monitoring for the presence of a state-sensitive species at the borrow source location. Depending on the outcome of this monitoring, construction could begin as early as April or potentially be delayed until Fall. We will know more in the coming months and will share information as it becomes available. 

We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this critical aspect of the project.

Stay Informed

Want to stay up to date on project progress? Do you have questions or comments?

Bear Lake Marina Expansion c/o Kimley-Horn | 111 E Broadway Suite 600 | Salt Lake City, UT 84111 US

Photo by Carol Ann Dyer


Randolph Town Agenda


February 12, 2025 07:30 PM
Event End Date & Time
February 12, 2025 09:30 PM
Event Deadline Date & Time
02/12/25 04:00 PM
Sub for Santa Review Subdivision Update Minutes & Bills Building Permit Application Policy & Procedures Update Lane Leases Tourism Grant .gov emails & website AARP Grant SR 16 Sidewalk Road Repairs New Business

Rich School District

 1A Boys State Wrestling - a Rebel yell to Wilkes Weston (Sophomore) and Jordan Johnson (Senior) 2nd place finishes at State -Scott Wakefield (Freshman) Bailey Weston (Sophomore) 3rd place finish - Boston Jolley (Junior) and Hudson Parry (Sophomore) 4th Place-

Feb. 12     Board meeting

                  Rich Middle School Band & Choir Review

Feb. 13    Rich Middle School BBB @ Cokeville

                Frosh BBB &BBB with Mtn. View

Feb. 14    BBB & GBB at Region

                Rich Middle School Girls Wrestling @ Rock Springs

Rich High School Wrestling by Lauriann Wakefield


Laketown Feb. 12th Town Council Agenda


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Laketown Town Council will hold a Town Council meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday February 12, 2025 in the Laketown Town Office located at 10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah. 

1.	Call to Order - Mayor Burdette Weston
2.	Opening Ceremony - TBD
3.	Roll Call
4.	Approval of Agenda
5.	QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the agenda may address the town council at this point by addressing the mayor and town council and giving his or her name and address for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is authorized by the mayor. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-agenda items. Some items brought forward to the attention of the town council will be turned over to the clerk to provide a response outside of the town council meeting.
-	Review Budget	 
-	Water Issues
-	Brandon - update on rewording of Road Cut Ordinance

NOTE: The Town Council may vote to go into an executive session pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-205
On Monday February 10, 2025  at 10:00 am a copy of the foregoing notice was posted on the Utah Public Notice website at and on the Laketown website at A copy was posted in conspicuous view inside and outside the Laketown Town Office in Laketown, Utah, and inside and outside of the Laketown post office and at Dee's Service Station. 
DATED THIS February 10, 2025 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this public hearing should notify the Laketown Town Office at (435) 946-9000, 10 North 200 East, Laketown, Utah, on Monday through Wednesday at least three working days prior to the public hearing. The office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah 1-888-346-3162. 	

/S/Lisa Johnson, Clerk

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Fishing Report - Emily Wright


Winter (January-March) fishing forecast. What anglers can expect at Bear Lake this winter will depend on whether the lake freezes over or not.  The lake typically freezes over near the end of January.  Bear Lake has a lot of springs and vents, so pay close attention to ice thickness.  If Bear Lake does not freeze over, fishing from boats will continue through the winter.  The Bear Lake State Park marina on the west side of the lake is open for launching.  On the east side of the lake, launching is currently available at the First point and Rainbow Cove ramps.  All courtesy docks have been pulled from the ramps due to ice buildup.  The Cisco Beach ramp is open, but 4WD is recommended to launch there.


Cutthroat trout: Whether you’re fishing through the ice or in open water, you can expect excellent fishing for cutthroat trout.  Jigging with 1/2- to 3/4-ounce tube jigs, tipped with cisco or sucker meat, is the most popular way to catch cutthroats at Bear Lake in the winter.  Cutthroat can be found in anywhere from 30 to 100+ feet of water, but most anglers target 50 to 80 feet.  If the lake is open water, you can try trolling minnow-type lures or flatfish, with downriggers, close to the bottom.  Good locations for winter cutthroat fishing are off the rockpile in front of the Ideal Beach Resort, Second Point and Cisco Beach.  The four artificial rockpiles just north of the Utah State Park marina are also a good spot to try.


Bonneville whitefish:  Bonneville whitefish fishing is typically good from the end of January through the end of February.  When fishing for whitefish, use a small 1/8- to 3/8-ounce vertical jigging spoon (such as a Kastmaster or a Swedish Pimple), and tip it with a piece of worm or mealworm.  Focus on areas with rocky bottoms or near weed beds on the bottom (south of Gus Rich Point, between First and Second points, is a good spot to try).


Bonneville cisco:  Dipnetting for spawning Bonneville cisco at the end of January is weather dependent. If the lake is frozen, you can dipnet through the ice.  If the lake is open water, you can wear waders and try dipnetting from shore at Cisco Beach.  However, since they can see you, the cisco are very wary during open water years, and activity is extremely limited if there is any wave-action.  Try to keep a low profile and stay close to shore.  Jigging (snagging) for Bonneville cisco is also popular if the lake is not frozen.  Jigging action should begin in mid-January and run through the first part of February.  Use a larger jigging spoon (3/8- to 1-ounce) and jig it aggressively, right on the rocky bottom, in 40 to 60 feet of water or off weed beds in 20 to 35 feet of water.


February 5, 2025

It is STILL a dry..........

The month of January saw sporadic rain/snow across the western US. The image above shows the Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) for the various basins. The Upper Bear is about where the black circle is. You can see the Pacific NW has continued to get the storms with basins in the 100% to 170% of average. This is typical for an El Nino year (I have read) the storms tend to stay up northward. The Bear Lake area is in a transition zone....some storms will come down that far south and others will not.

Below, the graph on the left shows the Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) for the Upper Bear as of January 31, 2024. The basin had a very dry January getting only about 50% of average SWE. But thanks to the storm over the first couple days of February the basin has moved up to about 95% of average.

This sounds pretty good but due to the overall dry early couple of months of the water year the soil moisture is much less than last year at this time, especially at the 8" and 20" levels below the surface. It is moisture at these levels that impacts the snowpack run off more than the surface moisture content.

To give a little perspective of how this year is shaping up, the bar graph on the left shows the precipitation by year and month since 2015. The top of the bright blue boxes is January 31 of each year. We are behind the average this year. Interestingly but not surprising, in the right image, if you overlay onto the bar chart the Bear Lake water level )shown on the right) it's easy to see how the up/down of the lake water follows generally the annual precipitation. We all know that but the approximate 3 year cycle is interesting I think. Bear Lake water level rose slightly in January and currently is 5917.59 feet.

The streamflow forecasts as of February 1st are out. Pease remember that this early in the winter the forecasts are subject to change based on conditions in the next 3 months.

That said, the chart on the left below is streamflow forecast April through July from the NCRS for the Bear River. The legend is at the bottom but basically each line has 5 values. The middle value (bolded) is the 50:50 forecast for the area and time indicated. For Steward Dam the April-July forecast is for 58 thousand acre feet (kaf). This is down from the January forecast of 119 kaf. And the February forecast is well below average seen.

The chart on the right below is from the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center (CRBFC) which uses a different streamflow forecast model from NRCS. The chart shown is for the forecast flow at Stewart Dam, just upstream from Rainbow Canal inflow to Mud Lake. This forecast shows a 50:50 probability of 85 kaf of flow for this spring. This is down from the January forecast of 124 kaf and well below the CBRFC average value of 161 kaf. But again, the early forecasts can change. We had a huge snowfall last year in March-April. Maybe we'll repeat this year. Fingers crossed for sure.

I want to give a special thanks to Connely Baldwin for helping me understand the differences in the way the NRCS and CBRFC/NOAA calculate their streamflow forecasts. Thanks Connely.

The National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center's forecast for February 2025 in our area is for equal chance of above or below temperature but maybe slightly wetter conditions. The seasonal forecast for Jan-Feb-March is still for equal chances of above or below temperature and precipitation.

As always I want to thank the folks at NCRS, CBRFC, RMP and all the others who help me compile the Splashback.


February 5, 2025

5917.59 feet*

*All Bear Lake Elevations are given in UP&L Datum