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Monday, February 10, 2025

Excerpts from Rich County News - 2-12-1910

Whatever may be the outcome of H.J. Hauser's visit to Salt Lake as a Good Road Convention delegate, the county did well in paying his fare there and return.  As one interested in game and a booster generally, Mr. Hauser made a personal visit to state game Commissioner Fred W. Chambers, and succeeded in obtaining the following letter which is self explanatory, showing what a booster can do for his County.  What one man can do in one line, another can do in some other.

Salt Lake City
Jan. 29, 1910

Mr. Henry J. Hauser
Randolph, Rich County

Dear Sir;

In regard to planting trout fry in your County, I will plant 200,000 Eastern Brook trout in April this year and again in Sept. I will send Rich County 200,000 Native trout.  I will be in your county sometime this summer.  Will write you as to date later.


F. W. Chambers, Commissioner

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Probation officer John Snowball has been taking some truant boys to school lately and after a little talking to them has turned them over to the teachers.  Mr. Snowball will take no more that way but says the next boy he catches playing "hookie" he will arrest.

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We think the standard of a few fellows could be raised if they would raise more hats and less hell; not only on the street but a public gatherings.

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