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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Updated Documents Garden City Planning Commission


Documents Updated

Planning Commission

Public Notice

Notice Date & Time: 12/4/24 5:00 PM



The Garden City Planning Commission will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the Garden City Lakeview Building, located at 69 N. Paradise Parkway, Building C. 


1.	Roll Call
2.	Approval of Minutes
a.	Regular Meeting
b.	Public Hearing
3.	Discussion/Approval for an Amended Subdivision for Sweetwater Townhomes to allow different unit types and update the phasing plan. Tyson Lund
4.	Discussion/Approval for an Amended Subdivision/Lot Split for parcel #41-17-25-0001 to split into two lots, each being .47 acres. Teri Eynon, Norm Mecham
5.	Discussion/Approval to rezone parcel #41-17-25-0001 from a C1 Zone to a C3 Zone. Applicant is proposing to build two 8-plex apartment buildings. Scott Livingston
6.	Discussion/Approval of Ordinance:
#24-29 - An Ordinance Updating the Building Permit Ordinance
7.	Training
8.	Miscellaneous
9.	Adjournment

NOTE: The order of this agenda may be altered by those present if necessary. 

Documents Updated Garden City Planning Commission from Dec 4, 2024

 Documents Updated

Planning Commission

Public Hearing

Notice Date & Time: 12/4/24 5:00 PM


The Garden City Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the Garden City Lakeview Building located at 69 N. Paradise Parkway, Building C.


1.	Roll Call
2.	Discussion to rezone parcel #41-17-25-0001 from a C1 Zone to a C3 Zone. Applicant is proposing to build two 8-plex apartment buildings. Scott Livingston
3.	Discussion for an Amended Subdivision/Lot Split for parcel #41-17-25-0001 to split into two lots, each being .47 acres. Teri Eynon, Norm Mecham
4.	Discussion of ordinance:
#24-29 - An Ordinance Updating the Building Permit Ordinance
5.	Adjournment

The public is invited to attend the meeting, listen by phone, or give written comment. The conference phone number is #1-866-347-5097.

There is a 2-minute limit on those commenting during the meeting. 


Notice of Special Accommodations:

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this public hearing should notify the Garden City Office at (435) 946-2901, 69 N. Paradise Parkway, Garden City, Utah, on Monday through Friday, at least 3 working days prior to the public hearing. The office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:

Contact the Garden City Office 1 business day prior to the scheduled meeting for electronic participation information, 435-946-2901.

Other information:


69 N Paradise Parkway, Garden City, 84028

Friday, January 10, 2025

Laketown Town Council Meeting Minutes December 4, 2024

 Town Council

December 4, 2024 Town Council Agenda

Notice Date & Time: 12/4/24 3:00 PM -12/4/25 4:46 PM


Laketown Town Council
Meeting Minutes 
December 4, 2024
Laketown City Office
10	North 200 East Laketown, Utah

1. Call to Order
The Laketown Town Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. This meeting was held at the Laketown City Office Building, located at 10 North 200 East, Laketown, Utah.  Mayor Burdette Weston welcomed those in attendance and called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.

Town Council Present:
Mayor Burdette Weston
Council Member Brandon Willis
Council Member Kris Hodges (arrived at 3:12 PM)
Council Member Delora Wight
Excused: Council Member Denise Johnson

Others Present:
Lisa Johnson, Town Clerk
Jordan Gomez
Duane Robinson
Mathew Regan (arrived at 4:01 PM)

2. Opening Ceremony
Mayor Burdette Weston conducted the opening ceremony and Delora Wight led the pledge of allegiance

3. Roll Call
Mayor Weston asked for a roll call of Council Members present: Mayor Weston, Council Member Willis, Council Member Wight, Town Clerk Lisa, Council Member Hodges arrived at 3:12 pm, and Council Member Johnson was excused

4. Approval of Agenda
Mayor Weston asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Council Member Willis made the motion and seconded by Council Member Wight. The motion carried unanimously.

5. Approval of Minutes November 7, 2024
Mayor Weston asked for a motion to approve November 7, 2024, minutes.
The motion was made by Council Member Wight and second by Council Member Willis.
The motion carried unanimously.

6. Questions and Comments
No one appeared

7. Budget Review
No comments were made on the budget.

8. Approval of Bills
Council Member Willis suggested the year end Town Council payment for Council member Thad Willis and Denise Johnson should be pro-rated between the two to reflect the months each has served. Council Members agreed this is how it should be.
Council Members also agreed that Jon Carver, Planning and Zoning Secretary should be paid the same as the other members.
Action Item: Lisa add P&Z secretary to Code 1.7.4 compensation
Bills were circulated for the council members to review and sign
Mayor Weston asked for a motion to approve the bills. Council Member Wight made the motion
and Council Member Willis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

9. Items of Business
-	2025 Town Council Meeting Schedule
The council reviewed and all agreed on the 2025 Town Council meeting schedule with the exception for the following dates: 1) The August meeting will be held on August 13, 2025, to reduce conflict with preparing for the Raspberry Days Rodeo. 2) The January meeting will be held on January 8, 2025, since the first Wednesday in January is January first.

-	Mathew Reagan/ Auditor Report
Mayor Weston Welcomed Mathew Reagan.  A copy of the town draft Financial Statement for the year ending June 30, 2024, was distributed to each council member to review.
The Fraud Risk Assessment was also distributed to council members. 
Mr. Reagan reported the town earned 375 points for the Fraud Risk Assessment, which is considered low risk, and this is good.  Item #3 was discussed: Does the entity have a licensed or certified (CPA  .) expert as part of management, it was determined that Gary Tuescher or Tammy Gomez full fill this requirement for the town. Also discussed Item #5 Training for Municipal Officials, it was determined all the council members did the training with Alice last year. Finally, Item #7 fraud hotline was discussed, council members thought something was implemented last year. Also discussed that note could be added to the water bill to direct customers to the fraud hot line. 
Action Item: Lisa will check into this with Alice.

Mr. Reagan reviewed the Financial Statement he prepared. Page 7 shows how the town's financial statement has changed over the last 3 years.  In his opinion the Council is doing a great job handling the town's money and assets. 

The Town Clerk asked Mr. Reagen to advise on the handling of invoices that are submitted after the end of the fiscal year.  He advised it is best practice that all invoices should be paid within the fiscal year it happened in, but the town should adopt a policy that all invoices should be submitted within 30 days or set a time frame threshold. He feels it is okay to have a $3000 -$5000 carry over between fiscal year calendars, but not the best practice every year.

The Town Clerk also asked for advice on how long the town should retain processed checks.  Once a check has been deposited Mr. Regan advised that the town should retain these checks for at least 30 days or until it has cleared. Then the checks can be shredded since there is a digital copy still.

Mayor Weston asked for a motion to approve the 2023-24 Financial Statement/Audit as presented.  Council Member Hodges made the motion and Council Member Wight seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Weston and Town Clerk Johnson signed the Financial Statement.

Mr. Reagan will submit the Financial Report and the Fraud Risk Assessment to the State by the end of the year.  He will supply the town with final hard & digital copies of the report.

10. Action Items from Previous Meeting
-	Mayor follow-up on water tank patching
Patching of the tanks has been completed pictures sent to Council Member Wight, for the compliance report.
Tank Lid was repaired 

-	Brandon: letter from attorney addressing abandoned trailers on empty lot next to
Council Member Willis contacted the landowners to ask them to remove abandoned trailers which do not comply with current town ordinances, they said they would take care of the trailers.  The landowners were very appreciative they were contacted first before any further legal action was taken.  They were advised that they had 30 days to remove the trailers. If the trailers are not removed the next step is the letter from the town attorney. Council Member Willis contacted the landowners around November 15, 2024. 
Action Item: Council Member Willis will follow up with the removal of the trailers

-	Lisa ordinance regarding multi family unit
Lisa read the email from Kendell dated 10/31/24 to Alice on this matter.  You cannot prevent the number of people who own a property, but ordinance 10.6A.7 would address any short-term rental issues. The council concluded multi people can own but no nightly rental is allowed in town.
Discussion on those who might possibly short-term renting in Town.
Action Item: Lisa - check into the cost and options of the programs that scan for short-term rentals in your area

-	Lisa road cut ordinance
The draft of the changes for this ordinance was presented to the Council for review
Action Item: Council Member Willis would like to change some of the wording and will have a new draft for the council for review at the January meeting.

-	Lisa prepaid water fee ordinance
Council Members Willis, Wight and Hodges all had calls on this matter
Mayor Weston confirmed no new ordinance is needed
Action Item: Lisa - Add to January Town Council Agenda

11. Town Council Business
-	Activity Committee - Jordan Gomez
Jordan reported that the Town Christmas Party is scheduled for December 7, 2024. The festivities will begin at 5:30 PM at the Rich Middle School cafeteria with a Chili dinner and cookies, Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause are scheduled to make an appearance. At approximately 6:30 PM everyone will make their way down to the Town Park for the lighting of the Christmas tree.  There will be a bonfire and hot cocoa at the park. A fireworks show will follow the lighting of the Christmas Tree.
Jordan ask the Mayor to say a few words and to head the countdown of lighting of the Christmas tree

-	Planning & Zoning Commission - Duane Robinson
Planning & Zoning held no meeting in November
Update On the realignment of the Pugmire property: Duane spoke with County Commissioner Bill Cox on this matter, Commissioner Cox has a copy of the map to present to the commissioners and he felt it makes sense to offer this property to the city.  The County Commissioners do not meet until next week, but Commissioner Cox will present it to the Commission when they meet next.  Mr. Robinson felt like the County will offer the land to the city, but it will be a few months down the road.  The survey has been completed and makers are in place. Duane will work with Marilyn at Hickman Land and Title.  He feels the simplest solution is for the city to secure the land east of the road. This would make it a simple boundary adjustment. It appears to be all unclaimed property.
Action Item: Duane follow-up on realignment

The Cemetery did not receive the 25% increase for water usage, they feel they should be paying for this water increase. Mayor Weston said town should adjust water bill to reflect the 25% increase.
Action Item: Lisa - check cemetery water charges, adjust accordingly

Duane spoke with Richard Worley from the Bear River Health Department on Septic Systems. The smallest lot they have in Logan with a septic tank is .58 acre, he recommends lot sizes to be at least 1 to 1.5 acres in size for septic tanks, just depends on the ground. Properties with domestic or irrigation wells must have at least an acre lot.
Action Item: Duane continues investigating this issue

-	Water Updates - Delora
Gathered the pictures from the Mayor and Dan plus the information needed from Ben Harker, State Water Department in Logan, this was all sent to State Water Drinking report for the town's updated water efficiency report.  Still needs the last cross connection information. 
Contacted Dallas Clark on the selling of his property and if the water connection was sold with the property.  Dallas confirmed he had sold the property with the water connection.  As far as he knows the property has been sold twice and he doesn't know if the water connection was sold with the property.
Would like to invite Skyler Buck to the January meeting to come and visit with Town Council and answer questions on city water
	Action Item: Delora schedule Skyler to come to the January Town Council

-	Roads and streets updates Brandon
370 East becoming a city road, he has not had a chance to contact Justin,

-	Parks and recreation updates Denise
No Updates

-	Rodeo and Arena Updates Kris 
Mayor Weston checked the Rodeo grounds on Saturday, all the bleachers have been removed but no new bleachers have been installed by Delmas Equipment.
Action Item: Mayor will follow up with Eric Wamsley on finishing this job

12. Mayors Report
Bear Lake Regional Commission Report - no meeting was held in November, there will be a dinner to honor those retiring at the end of the year

13. Updates from clerk's office
-	Lisa - Dot gov
Continuing working on this transition for the town.  She has spoken with Matt Johnson on this matter and Kendell said they had someone in house that has helped other communities with this transition

-	Lisa office closed dec 10 & 11
Will post a sign and change answering machine message

-	Lisa price of new computer monitor
Found two monitors for $149.97 each on a black Friday sale, regularly priced $189.
The council approved the purchase.

-	Completed action item from last month transfer $150,000.00 from general fund back to PTIF, for the better interest rate

14. Executive session
	No Executive session was held

15. Adjourn
Mayor Weston asked for a Motion to Adjourn the meeting. Council Member Willis made the motion and Seconded by Council Member Wight.  The meeting adjourned at 4:46 PM.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Rich County Commissioner's Meeting 1-8-25

 Documents Updated

Rich County Commissioner's Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 1/8/25 10:00 AM -1/8/25 4:00 PM


JANUARY 8, 2025
Ben Willoughby, Attorney
Discussion of creating Rich County Trails Board
Rich County Building Permit Ordinance
Consideration of Interlocal Agreement to Renew Bear River Association of Governments (BRAG)
Consideration of Resolution to Impose Local Option Sales Tax of .03% to Fund Public Safety Purposes
Consideration of Resolution to Amend Personnel Policy 3-200 and 4-100 (Overtime and Comp. Time)
Rich County Ordinance for the Protection of Canals
Rich County Short-Term Rental Ordinance
Dan Peart, Predator Control Board Member
Predator Control
Blair Stringham, Utah Department of Natural Resources
2024 PILT Check
Jared Hislop, Cedar & Stone Contractors, LLC
Business License
Richard Droesbeke, Utah State Parks
2024 Park Status Report
Mitch Poulsen, Executive Director, Bear Lake Regional Commission
Discussion of STR Contract
Discussion of February Commission Meeting Date
Approve Expenditures
Approve Minutes
All start times are ESTIMATED.
If you need an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact Anneliesa Peart Rich County Clerk at (435)793-2415.

Notice of Special Accommodations:

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Anneliesa Peart at 435-793-2415.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:

Other information:


20 S Main St, Randolph, 84064

Garden City Town Council Meeting Agenda 1-9-25

Town Council Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 1/9/25 5:00 PM




The Garden City Town Council will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday January 9 th ,
2024, at 5:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Garden City Office, located at 69 N. Paradise
Parkway, Building C.


1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
a. December 12 th , 2024, minutes of the regular Town Council Meeting, and minutes of the
December 12 th , 2024, Public Hearing.
3. Public Comments - 2 minutes limit
4. Business License Discussion/Approval
a. D-n-R Storage, 61 Christa Circle. Storage Units. Darren Lutz
b. The Thrifty Bear, 65 W Logan Road #4. Thrift Store. Theresa Hoff and Carol Almond
5. Financial Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, Discussion/Approval
a. Jones Simkins Firm to present rough draft of audit.
6. Subdivision Discussion/Approval
a. Requests approval of Harborview Townhomes condo plat, 951 Harbor Village East
Drive, Preliminary and Final plats. Rod Thompson
7. Resolution Discussion/Approval
a. Resolution R25-01, A Resolution Establishing a Fine for Wasting Water
b. Resolution R25-02, A Resolution Establishing a Fee for Not Posting a Public Works
c. Resolution R25-03, A Resolution Updating and Adding to the Administrative Code
Infraction Fine Schedule
8. Ordinance Discussion/Approval
a. Ordinance #24-22, Subdivision Regulations Updated, AN ORDINANCE OF
b. Ordinance #24-31 - An Ordinance Updating the Commercial C3 Zone
Conditional Uses.
9. Miscellaneous Discussion/Approvals
a. Conflict of Interest Forms
b. Planning Commission Appointment
10. Council Member Reports
11. Payment Vouchers
12. Adjournment

Notice of Special Accommodations:

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this public hearing should notify the Garden City Office at (435) 946-2901, 69 N. Paradise Parkway, Garden City, Utah, on Monday through Friday, at least 3 working days prior to the public hearing. The office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:

Contact the Garden City Office 1 business day prior to the scheduled meeting for electronic participation information, 435-946-2901.

Other information:


69 N Paradise Parkway, Garden City, 84028

Contact information:

Town Clerk ,, 4359462901

Monday, January 6, 2025

January Poem

 January is here,

With eyes that keenly glow—

A frost-mailed warrior striding

A shadowy steed of snow.

–Edgar Fawcett, American poet (1847–1904)