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Thursday, December 26, 2024

History of Our Area - Hildt's Berries

Theodore Hildt first planted about one-fourth acre of berries in 1910.  These berries were called "native".  This kind of berry was so soft that they had to be picked right into the bottles to keep them from becoming mashed and juicy.  They couldn't be shipped at all, so Mrs. Hildt would bottle them and sell them ready bottled.

In about 1924, these berries were dug up and replaced with a better kind of berry named the "Cuthbert" or sometimes called the "Shipper"/  Mr. Hildt then planted one-half acre more.  

Then in 1935, Lavoy Hildt, the oldest son, became manager.  He wanted to get better berries so he planted many different kinds besides ten acres of cuthbert.  Lavoy had an experiment patch on the side.  Here he tried all the new kinds of berries he heard about.  At one time there were as many as eight or ten different kinds of raspberries being tried.

Also at this time Lavoy became interested in strawberries.  As far as he knew strawberries had never been raised in Bear Lake Valley.  After testing, he found that several kinds of strawberries did very well.  At one time there were as many as fifteen or twenty different kinds of strawberries being tried.  Now they have ten acres of strawberries.

Ivan Hildt, Lavoy's brother, and Arlo Price, Lavoy's son-in law, are all working together on this fruit farm.  They are still testing every new berry that comes on the market.  They want only the best.  The families come by the hundreds from Wyoming, Idaho, and from the lower valleys of Utah for their luscious berries grown in this cool mountain area.

from "Rich Memories" published in 1962

Heirloom Recipes: Date Loaf - Stella Brooker Benson


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Town of Garden City 2025 Annual Meeting Schedule

Notice Date & Time: 1/1/25 10:00 AM


        Scheduled regular Town Council meeting dates for the 2025 calendar are as follows:

January 9
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 12
July 10
August 14
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11

Rich County Notice of Public Hearing January 8, 2025, 11 am - Ordinance for Protection of Canals

 County Commissioners

Notice of Public Hearing - Rich County Ordinance for the Protection of Canals

Notice Date & Time: 1/8/25 11:00 AM -1/8/25 4:00 PM



Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 11 a.m. in the Rich County Courthouse, 20 S. Main Street in Randolph.  The Rich County Board of Commissioners is considering enacting an ordinance entitled 'Rich County Ordinance for the Protection of Canals.' A copy of this proposed ordinance can be obtained by contacting the Rich County Clerk, Anneliesa Peart at (435) 793-2415.

This ordinance would protect the physical integrity of irrigation canals by providing an approval process for nearby excavation projects.  This ordinance protects the main channel of canals and does not apply to the lesser side ditches which are separated from the main canal by a headgate.  The ordinance would require consent from the canal company for any project crossing the canal itself or any project within 33 feet of the canal's centerline (the existing canal easement).  The proposed ordinance would also create a 'protection strip' of 100 feet from the canal centerline, except for any uphill side of the canal.  For any excavation project (other than minor projects like planting trees or setting posts) within the 'protection strip' the ordinance would require (1) the canal company be notified and (2) the County Engineer sign off that the excavation will not impair the integrity of the canal bank.

The Board of Commissioners is soliciting the public's comments on the proposed ordinance.  Those attending the hearing will be invited to provide their input.  Those wishing to comment, but who are unable to attend the hearing may also submit written comments to the Rich County Clerk prior to the hearing.


Notice of Special Accommodations:

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Anneliesa Peart at 435-793-2415.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:

Other information:


20 S Main St, Randolph, 84064

Contact information:

Anneliesa Peart ,, 4357932415

Rich County Notice of Public Hearing January 8, 2025 11:15 am, Short-Term Rental Ordinance

 County Commissioners

Notice of Public Hearing - Short-Term Rental Ordinance Amendment

Notice Date & Time: 1/8/25 11:15 AM -1/8/25 4:00 PM



Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 11:15 a.m. in the Rich County Courthouse, 20 S. Main Street in Randolph.  The Rich County Board of Commissioners is considering amending its short-term rental ordinance.  A copy of this proposed ordinance can be obtained by contacting the Rich County Clerk, Anneliesa Peart at (435) 793-2415.

Rich County has had an ordinance in place governing short-term rentals (home rentals under 30 days) since 2017.  The ordinance seeks to balance the county's interests, the interests of neighbors, and the interests of those offering short-term rentals in unincorporated Rich County.  The 2017 ordinance requires the homeowner operating a short-term rental obtain a special business license.  The license is conditioned on an inspection, complying with the terms of the license, and payment of an annual fee to offset the cost of the program.  The Board of Commissioners is considering amending this ordinance.  The proposed changes would (1) increase the original application fee from $250 to $25 per person multiplied by the maximum approved occupancy, (2) increase the yearly renewal fee from $150 to $15 per person multiplied by the maximum approved occupancy, (3) require renewal applications to be submitted by March 31 of each year (or be thereafter treated as a new application for purposes of the fee), (4) increase the potential penalty for noncompliance, and (5) allow for notices of violation to be mailed to the address on file for tax notices.

The Board of Commissioners is soliciting the public's comments on the proposed ordinance.  Those attending the hearing will be invited to provide their input.  Those wishing to comment, but who are unable to attend the hearing may also submit written comments to the Rich County Clerk prior to the hearing.


Notice of Special Accommodations:

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Anneliesa Peart at 435-793-2415.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:

Other information:


20 S Main St, Randolph, 84064

Contact information:

Anneliesa Peart ,, 4357932415