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Friday, January 31, 2025

Public Notice Amended - Garden City Planning Commission - February 5, 2025

 Documents Updated

Planning Commission

Public Notice (Amended)

Notice Date & Time: 2/5/25 5:00 PM



The Garden City Planning Commission will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. at the Garden City Lakeview Building, located at 69 N. Paradise Parkway, Building C. 


1.	Roll Call
2.	Oath of Office - Brian Willmore
3.	Conflict of Interest forms for Planning Commission Members
4.	Approval of Minutes
a.	Regular Meeting
b.	Public Hearing
5.	Discussion/Approval of Ordinance:
#25-01 - An Ordinance Updating the Storage and Use of a Recreational Vehicle.
#25-02 - An Ordinance Updating Flag Lots
6.	Training
7.	Miscellaneous
Discussion on Conditional Uses and Zone Changes - JUB Engineering
1.	Conditional Uses
a.	Examples and some recommendations
2.	Zone Changes
a.	Where does multi-family go?
b.	Beginning to incorporate the Land Use map more into the zoning map/
c.	Incorporate other zones that are not currently shown on the zoning map, C4, Hotel/Motel, etc.
8.	Adjournment

NOTE: The order of this agenda may be altered by those present if necessary. 

The conference phone number is 1-866-347-5097.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Rich County School Hiring for Speech/Language Pathologist


Speech/Language Pathologist

Rich School District – Feb. 2025 


To deliver appropriate comprehensive speech and language services to students identified with special communicative needs in articulation, language, voice, social skills, and fluency.




·        Master’s degree from an educational institution recognized by the Board

·        Submit evidence of clinical competency by verifying current ASHA or other competencies

·        State of Utah Certification to practice as evidenced by current state licensure as a Speech/Language Therapist – Examples: Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), Speech Assistant (SPA), Speech Language Pathologist Aide (SLPA), or Individual working under a – Teacher in Training Type Program

·        Motor Vehicle Operator’s License or ability to provide own transportation


POSITION TYPE: Full Time - Speech/Language Pathologist

  • Starting Salary: Based off current board approved salary schedule
  • Benefits: Retirement, Health Insurance (Medical, Dental, Vision)
  • Contract Hours: Follows school calendar and daily hours for students and teachers
  • Reporting to: Building Principals and Director of Special Services


JOB RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: (Pre-k(3-5) – 12th Grade/Adult Post High)

  • Provide specialized speech and language services across all educational levels, targeting students who qualify under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as well as those identified through Child Find initiatives.

·        Attend and participate in Parent Teacher Conferences and Back to School Nights.

  • Work with students exhibiting the full range of communication disorders (from mild or moderate to severe and/or multiple disorders), including those involving language, articulation (speech sound disorders), fluency, voice/resonance, social skills, and swallowing.
  • Deliver therapy in various settings, tailoring the approach to the needs of the individual or group.
  • Offer additional support through extended school year (ESY) or extended school day programs
  • Provide training and consultation for other educators, professionals and parents to enhance the students’ academic achievements, communicative competencies, and social integration.





  • Complete documentation as required by federal, state, and local agencies.
  • Conduct screenings and evaluations for communication disorders; incorporate response to interventions into the evaluation process.
  • Write eligibility reports and participate in annual review meetings; provide progress reports and ongoing communication with parents and guardians of students with IEPs or who are receiving intervention.
  • Conduct audiometric hearing screenings according to state requirements in the school setting.



  • Supervise support personal: Speech Assistant (SPA); Speech Language Pathologist Aide (SLPA)


ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF POSITION: (Pre-k(3-5) – 12th Grade/Adult Post High)

  • Participate as a member of problem-solving teams (e.g. intervention, IEP, 504, etc.)
  • Conduct screening and diagnostic evaluations for students referred for evaluation of suspected speech and/or language problems
  • Provide interventions
  • Develop Individualized Education Programs
  • Plan therapy and use appropriate therapy techniques
  • Provide direct or consultative speech and language services to students with disabilities
  • Provide case management for students with speech and/or language disabilities.
  • Strong organization and planning skills for accurate and complete record-keeping
  • Excellent listening, writing, and verbal communication skills
  • Maintain the necessary confidentiality of information as it relates to students and staff
  • Meet all compliance requirements as set forth in local, state, and federal rules and regulations



  • Adhere to all school district policies and procedures, federal and state laws
  • Meet professional licensure requirements, rules, regulations, and code of conduct
  • Continually improve and develop professional knowledge and skills
  • A willingness to go beyond basic requirements, and have flexibility to change
  • Ability to respond to constructive criticism, and demonstrate well-developed emotional maturity
  • Promote the district’s vision, mission, and strategic plan
  • Foster a positive image of the school, students, and staff
  • Perform other related duties as assigned
  • Working knowledge of the school setting, policies, and procedures. 
  •  General Knowledge IDEA, ADA Section 504, Utah rules, and district policies and procedures governing the operation of special education programs and services
  • Thorough knowledge of the theory, principles, and methods of speech pathology in the educational environment.



Evaluate and diagnose specific deficits of referred students within the school district that would meet criteria set forth by local, state and federal regulations for services to students with speech and language related disabilities.

  • Conduct screening and testing
  • Obtain diagnostic information
  • Analyze information and interpret data collected from evaluations
  • Interview parents, teachers, and others to gather relevant data regarding student performance
  • Integrate all elements of assessment data into a cohesive whole for the purpose of resolving initial referral and reevaluation question(s) and determining initial / continuing eligibility for special education
  • Edit and finalize the written educational report to include recommendations for the development of an Individualized Education Program, Individualized Learning Plan following professional standards and established district model report
  • Present conclusions orally and in a comprehensive report, in compliance with established guidelines, so that parents, staff, and others can understand the functioning level of evaluated students
  • Consult with building principal, parents and staff regarding the speech/language and educational needs of students.
  • Provide case management for students with speech and/or language disabilities.

·        This includes educational and behavioral monitoring, writing and submitting regular progress reports, maintaining effective communication with parents, and working with school staff to carry out provisions of each child’s IEP.

  • Develop individual education plans for each speech-language eligible child in collaboration with the classroom teacher, parent, LEA representative, and other pertinent professionals



Workspace will be located within both district’s campuses. This position may involve sitting, walking, and standing throughout the day to include moving room to room and maneuvering in crowded hallways. Travel may be required within the district or outside of district for activities with students, and professional activities or meetings.


The job description is subject to change in response to demographics, staffing factors, funding variables, modified operating procedures, and/or program/curriculum changes.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025

Just A Little Bear Lake History - C.T. Buttars


Heirloom Recipes: Chocolate Chip Cookies -Elaine Woffinden Webb


GC Library

 Blind Date With A Book is happening during February at the library. Come on in and choose your Blind Date. For every Blind Date book you read, you can enter the drawing for prizes. Our Book Club will be reading Blind Date books this month and reporting on them on Feb 19th at 6:00 pm, join us!

January Fun Facts


Cisco's Sonar Snow and Animals

Winter is at our doorstep. We had a nice spell through November, but it is back with a vengeance now. Over the last fifty-one years here at the lake, I have always been fascinated with the different winter weather conditions. What really interests me, however, is how the animals react to it.

You can tell what animals are doing by looking at their tracks in the snow. You can see everything from moose to mice tracks scattered across the landscape. The animals are typically gone by the time you see the tracks since most of their movement is at night. Big game usually like to lay in the sun during the cold winter days. So, what have I observed from the tracks in the snow? The deer, elk and moose are staying put for now. There are lots of deer tracks in some locations, but it is hard to say how many individuals there are. One deer foraging on bitter brush leaves many tracks. In past years, moose would move from Sagebrush Flat passing my house to Hodges Canyon where they would stay for the winter. I have seen a few come by this fall. The same goes for elk that previously migrated from Idaho to the raspberry fields. The fields are gone and so are, the elk. Deer are typically easy to see this time of year, but I haven’t seen many. I drove around the Lake the other day and didn’t see one.

The birds are different also. I don’t see many coots on the lake near the BLSP marina. Ten years ago, there would be hundreds, but they are rare this year. I really don’t think their numbers regionally are down, but they have changed their behavior. Few ducks around the shoreline because of higher water and warmer up north and the usual trumpeter swans by the rest area. At my feeder, the black capped and mountain chickadees taken over which is unusual. The turkeys are bunched up and scattered.

Is this a result of development, more people, overhunting, or worse yet, climate change? No, I think it is the natural populations adapting to their environment. That is why watching wildlife is so fun. It is a great family activity to have your kids watch with you and listen to what they say. Watch the animals and birds in this beautiful valley for the rest of the winter. Come to your own conclusions. I am only one set of old eyes. I am sure things will change.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

USU Rich County Cattle & Forage School

 Join us this year for the 2025 Cattle and Forage School. We have a great lineup of speakers this year. Come hungry for a brisket dinner and bring your family. We hope to see you there!

Rich School District Sports

 Thursday January 30

        Girls BB @ North Summit

        Frosh BBB & GBB

Friday January 31st

        Rich Middle School BB @ Lyman

        Girls Wrestling 

        RHS BBB/GBB @ Altamont

Saturday February 1st

        Rich Middle School BB @ Green River

        RHS BB/GBB @ Wendover

Rich High 1A Cheerleader Champions (back to back with last year)


Brrrrrrrrr...........Winterfest (Thanks for the photos)