November 6, 2024 Town Council Minutes
Notice Date & Time: 11/6/24 7:01 PM -11/6/24 10:00 PM
Laketown Town Council
Meeting Minutes
November 06, 2024
Laketown City Office
10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah
Mayor Burdette Weston welcomed those present and called the meeting to order at 7:01pm on Wednesday, November 06, 2024. Those present are as follows: Mayor Burdette Weston, Council Members Brandon Willis, Denise Johnson, Kris Hodges, Delora Wight and Clerks Alice Jackson and Lisa Johnson. Those present in the room: Planning and Zoning Chairman-Duane Robinson. Dennis Hodges arrived at 7:03, Erin and Tina Quinn Arrived at 7:04pm. Jordan Gomez arrived at 7:05pm. Jeff Brimhall arrived at 7:13pm. Dennis left at 8:00pm. Tina left at 8:00pm. Jordan left at 8:20pm. Erin left at 9:40pm. Duane and Jeff left at 9:55pm.
OPENING CEREMONY: Brandon conducted the opening ceremony and Kris led the pledge of allegiance.
ACTION: Agenda: Mayor asked for a motion for the agenda to be approved. Brandon made the motion, seconded by Delora. The motion carried unanimously.
ACTION: Meeting Minutes: Mayor asked for a motion to approve the 02 and 07 October 2024 Meeting Minutes: The motion was made by Delora and seconded by Denise. The motion carried unanimously.
The mayor welcomed Lisa Johnson as the new Laketown Clerk and thanked Alice Jackson for her service.
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the agenda may address the town council at this point by addressing the mayor and town council and giving his or her name and address for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is authorized by the mayor. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-agenda items. Some items brought forward to the attention of the town council will be turned over to the clerk to provide a response outside of the town council meeting.
No comments were made on the budget.
Alice pointed out that per direction from the council at an earlier meeting, she transferred $200,000 ($100,000 from PTIF account 806) and $100,000 from the General Fund into the Capitol Project Fund. Alice asked the Council if these funds should be transferred back into the PTIF fund until spring when the roads would be chipped and sealed. The mayor directed that $150,000 should be transferred back into the PTIF account. *Action Item-Lisa. Transfer the funds as noted above.
Alice circulated the bills for the board to review and sign.
ACTION: The mayor asked for a motion to approve the bills. Brandon made the motion and Delora seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Erin and Tina Quinn:
The mayor asked Erin and Tina to address the council. Erin responded that they were in attendance to obtain a response from the letter sent to the board regarding the two abandoned trailers on the property west of their home. The mayor noted that Laketown has been working with the town attorney to put a letter together to the owner of the said lot. The letter will include mention (per ordinance 12.8.1) the fine and other penalties. *Action Item-Per the mayor, the board may need to refine the ordinance, so the language is clear. *Action Item-Brandon to contact Justin about the above noted letter.
Tina asked if the trailers had previously been on other property in Laketown. Tina read from meeting minutes dated June 3rd, 2020. These minutes noted that the board gave the individual permission to move the trailers to the lot next door to the Quinns. Duane suggested that the clerk listen to the above noted minutes to ensure the minutes are accurate. *Action Item-Lisa. Listen to the June 3rd, 2020, meeting minutes. Quinn's asked why the above noted code violation was not addressed in 2020. The code does allow Laketown to provide a conditional use permit (10.9.2.). The mayor noted that the individual(s) never received a conditional use permit.
Discussion continued between the mayor and the Quinns. The mayor committed to be more diligent in following and enforcing the code. The mayor invited the Quinns to follow up with the board at the January meeting. *Action Item-Lisa, place the Quinns on the January Agenda.
Road Cut Ordinance:
The most recent version of this ordinance was provided to the board. Brandon noted that he had not had time to review. Alice asked if the board wanted more time.
Discussion then took place regarding the fees associated with this ordinance (cutting the road without permission, with permission, application to cut the road, permit to cut the road, boring under the road versus the necessity of cutting the road. Insurance and the bond).
The ordinance should include language for both boring and cutting when it's done for water connection and/or power. The proposed fee was $8,000 with a penalty of $10,000 if done without permission. Kris suggested that the ordinance should include language regarding who is responsible for paying the fee(s). i.e the contractor, homeowner, power company etc. The board determined it is the homeowner's responsibility for the fee/penalty. The Fee Schedule should include language that there is no fee if the individual bores under the road. *Action Item-Lisa. Once the ordinance is in final draft and then adopted, Lisa to add all the above fees to the Fee Schedule. Work with Kendall to develop an application and permit per the ordinance language, then update the ordinance to include these items.
Jordan Gomez- Activity Committee Chairman:
Jordan reported that the Halloween activity went well. The total cost was about $30.00. She is requesting that next year's budget be increased to $100.00 for this activity. For the purposes of these minutes, the activity budget provided by the Town ($3,000/year for the 6 activities) does not assign a dollar amount for each activity.
Veteran's Day Flags are up. Jordan is concerned about the fridge in the concession stand at the rodeo arena. It has been unreliable. Kris contacted the repair company and said they will come in June to repair the fridge. The mayor suggests that when the fridge is being used, it should be checked on a regular basis.
Christmas lights will be put up on Saturday and Monday.
Flags that have been previously purchased are worn. *Action Item-Lisa to check to see what budget
(Event vs town provided budget) was utilized to purchase the flags when Heidi Hodges was the chairman. Duane suggested using Colonial Flags in SLC to order more flags.
The town Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday December 7th at the school cafeteria. Activity will include a chili cook off, cookies, fireworks and tree lighting. This activity will begin at 5:30pm with the lighting to follow. Hot chocolate and a fire if weather permits.
Pre-Paid Water Fee Ordinance:
Per Brandon, originally the board decided to develop this ordinance but after speaking to our attorney, Justin, he suggested that we send a letter to the individuals that this involves. The high points of the letter should include that they would not be required to turn over a water share (if they build). Alice provided a list (acknowledging that this list may not be accurate) that includes who these individuals are. Discussion took place regarding what exactly the $1,000 represented. Was it just a water connection fee? Reportedly per Brandon, Justin said that at the time that these folks decide to build they will have to pay the current fees per our current code which includes the water impact fee of $16,333.00. No discussion took place on these said individuals needing to pay the town's quarterly water fee. As the board and Duane reviewed the above noted document, they suggested that the following individuals paid the $1,000: Dallas Clark (sold the property), Rick Larsen, Jordan McKee, Bill Shupe, one member of the Cardon family. Dan Stringham may also have paid $1,000. *Action Item-Delora to speak to Dallas to see if he sold the water with the property.
Discussion took place regarding what should happen if the property is sold. Does this stay with the property or the new owner. *Action Item-Brandon will put a rough draft letter together and have Justin approve it. *Action Item-Lisa, add this to the December Agenda. * Action Item-Lisa. Work with Kendall on the Code Ledger 2024-04. Delete the title currently assigned to this ordinance number and use 2024-04 for the next adopted Ordinance.
The mayor proposed a date and time for the December town council meeting (3:00pm on December 4th). This meeting will then be followed by the Christmas dinner at Bon Rico at 6:00pm. Invitations should be sent to P&Z, town council and should include Cody, Brian, Jordan *Action Item Lisa to send out invitations with RSVP's within a week of the party.
Action Items From Previous Meeting-These were not addressed and should be added to the December Agenda.
- Mayor to follow up with Troy regarding Water Tank patching
- Duane update on realignment of the Pugmire property
- Duane - Update on Hana Weston's request to extend her property boarder
- Kris-Park and Arena Winterize Update
- Brandon to contact Justin regarding 370 W becoming a city road
- Brandon letter to Quinn neighbor from Justin
- Brandon - Follow-up on summer concert band(s). More discussion is needed
- Alice - Consulate with Kendall on Ordinance regarding multi-family units
Planning & Zoning Commission- Chairman Duane Robinson
They will not have a meeting in November
They did review the 'application' form. They only had grammatical changes. *Action Item- Lisa to contact Jon to receive this electronically so it can be attached to the Subdivision Ordinance in our Code. Work with Kendall on this.
P&Z discussed how Laketown might manage parking. There are many cars that are parked in the right aways.
Water Updates - Delora Wight
Dan has not brought in the documents that will be needed for the next survey. * Action Item, Delora to speak with Dan again about providing these documents.
Pictures of the tank and spring have not been taken. *Action Item-Mayor and Delora
Roads & Streets Updates - Brandon Willis
Chip Seal Signed Contract-Mayor has signed the contract. Denise asked if they were going to work on the radiuses.
ACTION: Mayor asked for a motion to sign the contract. Delora made the motion, seconded by Denise the motion passed unanimously.
Park & Recreation Updates - Denise Johnson
Update on Eldon speaking to someone about the park score board. Courtney will follow-up in the spring. Kris noted that Dan has winterized the park and the water fountain at the rodeo arena.
Courtney requested to reserve the park on Nov 27th. He would like to schedule a turkey bowl. *Action Item-Lisa. Add this to the Outlook calendar.
Rodeo & Arena Updates - Kris Hodges
The mayor reported that Eric wants to have the frames and seats installed prior to snowfall. Alice reported that the auditor suggested that Laketown not pay vendors until the work is completed.
Dan and Jeff need to submit their invoices for time and materials on a monthly basis along with all receipts for supplies purchased. *Action Item-Mayor. Speak to Dan about his most recent submitted invoice and receipts.
Bear Lake Regional Commission Report. Ken Brown was honored for his lengthy service. Report from Idaho and Utah on the presence of Milfoil.
Alice's last date is November 6, 2024
Lisa's official start is Monday November 4, 2024
Meeting with Matthew Reagan/Auditor. *Action Item-Lisa to communicate with him about coming at 3:00pm for the December town council meeting.
Rich County Banners will be paid
Our website needs to be changed to dotgov. They also want board personal emails to include dotgov. Needs to be done by July 2025.
Office will be closed on December 10-11.
Lisa requests two monitors. The mayor asked Lisa to provide an estimate. Brandon would like to have a summer concert at his barn. Will be in June or July. Laketown Code is brief. If it's Ag related it needs a permit.
NOTE: The Town Council may vote to go into executive session pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-205
ACTION: The mayor asked for a motion to adjourn. Kris made the motion. Motion was seconded by Denise. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:00pm.