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Monday, December 2, 2024

Christmas Non-denominational Program at Paris Tabernacle

History of Our Area - Wolves

 In June 1908, the six Rex brothers, William, Alfred, Arthur, Samuel, John Ozleand and Percy joined a partnership and purchased the Ford Ranch east of Randolph.  At that time their livestock was plagued with many wolf packs.  The men usually had to night-herd the stock.  They would round them up on the bed ground and hang lighted lanterns around.  One morning they awoke and found an old black cow nearly chewed into shoe strings.  One wolf in a pack was the killer or fighter.  A horse in the open meadow could out run a wolf.

One Christmas eve when the Rex boys were returning home from a dance they met a pack of eight wolves on the road just below the canal bridge in the river lane.  Each was on horseback so they gave chase.  All the wolves scattered but one.  He bristled up, snarled, and stood in the road ready to fight, but they called his bluff and rode straight for him, and he turned and sulked into the night..

That winter the Rex brothers trapped six wolves.  They did not like their dogs to enter into the fight for the wolves were fierce biters.  Some of the wolves they caught measured over six feet in length.

Heirloom Recipes: Fudge Frosting by Anita Weston


System Operator Position Job Opening for Bear Lake Special Service District

Bear Lake Special Service District
147 W Logan Road
Garden City, UT 84028



The Bear Lake Special Service District, which provides sewer service on the west side and south shore of Bear Lake, has an opening for a System Operator position available immediately. Persons interested in applying may submit a resume and/or application. Requests are to be sent to Bear Lake Special Service District at or PO Box 220, Garden City, UT 84028.

Pay scale: Starting wage is $20-$25 per hour depending on experience


  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Willing to work anytime during the week and/or weekends as needed
  • Able to lift 80 pounds
  • Experience operating heavy equipment is desirable
  • Some knowledge of electrical is advantageous
  • Willing to work with wastewater and work on all aspects of the sewer system

Benefits include retirement, insurance stipend, holiday and sick pay.

Interested applicants may contact the Bear Lake Special Service District at 435-946-3201 or at 147 W Logan Road, Garden City Utah 84028. You may also email a resume to or mail it to P.O. Box 220 Garden City, UT 84028.

Office hours are Mondays and Thursdays from 8:00 -5:00.

Job posting is open November 25, 2024 until the position is filled.

Rich County School District Employment

Dec. 2, 2024

Rich County School District is accepting applications for the following position:

Special Education Aide at RMS

Applicants must be willing to submit to a background check.


Interested individuals must be 18 years old, be a high school graduate or equivalent, have the abilityto communicate effectively and help others, have a valid Driver’s License, and be willing and able to transport School age children in a district-owned vehicle.  Must also be able to lift 50 pounds. 

       Applicants should have the ability to work with children, perform routine record keeping functions,

and establish and maintain working relationships with co-workers, teachers, students, and the public.


Application can be found online


               Send application to:        Rich Middle School

     Principal Alan Schwab

                                                         P O Box 129

                                                         Laketown, UT 84038

                 Phone 435-514-1288 ext. 201

     Fax: 435-514-1299

                                                         Email to:


CLOSING DATE :      This position will remain open for 2 weeks or until a qualified candidate is hired.


BEGINNING DATE:  January, 2025



Laketown December 4, 2024 Town Council Agenda


Notice Date & Time: 12/4/24 3:00 PM -12/4/24 5:00 PM

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Laketown Town Council will hold their regularly scheduled meeting at 3:00pm on Wednesday December 4, 2024, in the Laketown Town Office located at 10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah. 

1.  Call to Order - Mayor Burdette Weston
2.  Opening Ceremony - TBD
3.  Roll Call
4.  Approval of Agenda
5.  Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes 

6.  QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the agenda may address the town council at this point by addressing the mayor and town council and giving his or her name and address for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is authorized by the mayor. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-agenda items. Some items brought forward to the attention of the town council will be turned over to the clerk to provide a response outside of the town council meeting.



-	Approval of the 2025 Town Council Meeting Schedule
-	Mathew Reagan/Auditor Report

10. Action Items from Previous Meeting
-	Mayor - follow up with Troy regarding Water Tank patching
-	Brandon - letter from attorney addressing abandoned trailers on empty lot next to Quinn's
-	Lisa - Consulate with Kendal on Ordinance regarding multi-family unit
-	Lisa - Road cut ordinance
-	Lisa - prepaid water fee ordinance

	A. Activity Committee - Jordan Gomez 
B. Planning & Zoning Commission - Chairman Duane Robinson
-	Update on realignment of the Pugmire property
-	Update on 1/2 acre vs 1 acre lot size study
C. Water Updates - Delora Wight
-	Updated Water Inspection
-	Pictures of the Water Tank and Spring
D. Roads & Streets Updates - Brandon Willis
-	contact Justin regarding 370 W becoming a city road
E. Park & Recreation Updates - Denise Johnson
F. Rodeo & Arena Updates - Kris Hodges
-	Update on when Delmas Equipment will have bleachers completed
-	Bear Lake Regional Commission Report  
-	Lisa - update on Utah Code 63D-2-105 requiring all government entities within the state must use an authorized dot gov (.gov) domain for website and emails
-	Lisa - reminder Laketown City Office will be closed December 10 & 11, 2024
-	Lisa - price of new computer monitors
-	Transferred $1500 from general back to PTIF
14. EXECUTIVE SESSION (if needed) 

NOTE: The Town Council may vote to go into executive session pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-205
On Monday 2, December, 2024 at 10 AM a copy of the foregoing notice was posted on the Utah Public Notice website at and on the Laketown website at A copy was posted in conspicuous view inside 
and outside the Laketown Town Office in Laketown, Utah, and inside and outside of the Laketown post office and at Dee's Service Station. DATED THIS 2ndt Day of December 2024 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this public hearing should notify the Laketown Town Office at (435) 946-9000, 10 North 200 East, Laketown, Utah, on Monday through Wednesday at least three working days prior to the public hearing. The office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah 1-888-346-3162. 	

/S/Lisa  Johnson, Clerk

Rich School District Info

Thursday December 5th

Rich Middle School Boys Wrestling @ Kemmerer
RHS Girls Wrestling with Ridgeline
RMS Girls BB with Cokeville

Friday December 6th

RMS Girls BB with Big Piney
RMS Girls BB with Cokeville
RHS Girls BB with St. Joseph

Saturday December. 7th

RHS Wrestling @ Grace
RMS Boys Wrestling @ Jackson Hole
RHS Boys & Girls BB @ Wendover

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Bear Lake State Parks update


Lake Temperature: @ 43.2 degrees as measured in the Bear Lake State Park Marina. The temperature on the lake proper usually varies 1 to 2 degrees than inside the marina.
Current Lake Elevation: @ 5917.30'.
Full elevation: 5923.65'.
2024/25 Low elevation: 5917.30'.
2024 High elevation: 5920.20'.
2023/24 Low elevation: 5916.10'.
2023 High elevation: 5917.20'.
2022/23 Low elevation: 5909.70'.
2022 High elevation: 5913.65'.
2021/22 Low elevation: 5912.10'.