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Monday, September 23, 2024

Bear Lake Watch Initiative

 This event is presented by the partners of the USGS Platform Study: USGS, Utah DEQ, Idaho DEQ, Bear Lake Watch, and PacifiCorp; in collaboration with Utah State University, USFWS Bear Lake Refuge, Bear River Water Users Association, and other agencies and policymakers.

Throughout the West, we need to take a hard look at the sustainability of our natural resources. Many of our resources are managed and operated on century-old infrastructure and social norms. Nowhere is this more evident than at Bear Lake where we continue to allow tons of sediment and nutrients to enter and damage this uniquely oligotrophic lake.

As there is no single agency or department in either Utah or Idaho tasked with fixing this problem, it must be a combined effort. As a modern society, we cannot stand by and do nothing. We have the data. We see the impacts. It is only our actions that are lagging. As partners in the system, we must take the initiative to develop and implement effective measures to reduce sediment and nutrient inflow into Bear Lake before it permanently alters our precious lake.

We thank you in advance for being willing to share your invaluable knowledge, ideas, expertise, and common sense. All will be essential as we work together to develop an innovative plan to reduce the harmful sediment and nutrient inflow into Bear Lake.

It is our collective, societal obligation to see that we don't destroy this precious gem that has served so well. Take the initiative.

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