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Saturday, March 9, 2013

P&Z on Sign Ordinances

Randall Knight, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  March 6, 2013.  The Planning and Zoning Public meeting was held as scheduled at 4:30 PM on the first Wednesday of the month.  The board members in attendance were: Lance Bourne, Jim Wood, and Dallas Solum. The following members were absent: Nate Gracey, Mike Schiess, Chuck Stocking, DeWayne Gifford, Dallas Solum.  Because there were not enough board members for a quorum, they could only review and discuss the status of the recommendations made during the last sign ordinance meeting.

 They pointed out the main concern with any city ordinance is the manageability.  The bottom line was that if it can’t be enforced, then there is no reason to have it.

The main discussions focused on two temporary sign issues that were recommended by business owners.  The first was a recommendation to allow temporary signs be posted for 21 days from June through August and 21 days the rest of the year as long as they comply with 11C-604-B.  The second recommendation was to allow them for 50 days in 10 day increments.  This would make the ordinance more manageable for the Ordinance Officer because he would be required to monitor a maximum of 5 postings for each temporary sign.
The regular P&Z meeting was held as scheduled at 5:00 PM with the following board members present: Lance Bourne, Jim Wood, Dallas Solom. Mike Schiess, Chuck Stocking, and DeWayne Gifford.  

The main discussion was focused on temporary signs, negative calls from permanent and temporary citizens in regard to the number and appearance of signs and the two recommendations mentioned above.  The mayor recommended the ordinance be more lenient during the winter time because of the reduction in visitors and secondary home owners.  A motion was moved and passed to recommend temporary sign section of the ordinance be changed to allow postings for 30 days in 10 day increments during the summer months (June – August) and unlimited during the winter. Naturally, all signs have to meet the requirements outlined in the ordinance.
Mike Schiess asked to be brought up to speed in regard to business owner’s desires not being implemented.  Andy Stokes and Danny White said that after last month’s working group meetings most of the business recommendations were implemented.  For example, small signs limited to 4 ft high require a post hole 3 ft deep, and not a 3 foot deep footing.  Board members pointed out the most recent copy they had still had a lot of grammatical and requirement errors.  Andy said the document is still under review and corrections are being made.  The plan is to have a fully revised copy be available for the Town Council meeting scheduled for next Tuesday, 12 March.
During the definition portion of the agenda, Lance said there was not a definition for “A” frame signs in ordinance 13-04.  Andy stated it falls in temporary sign category because it is not permanently mounted.
Lance stated that Norm Mecham plans for a smaller development at the location of the Lodge will be presented during next month’s meeting.  Norm plans on laying out a plan from scratch just in case the Waters Edge development doesn’t go forward.
George Peart, the building inspector, wanted to make sure the board was aware of a short term rental company planning on moving into the Harbor Village Lighthouse building.  The board said the developers need to present a plan on what they plan on doing and especially on how they plan to meet the parking requirements.  George said he will let the developer know they need to get on the P&Z agenda to present their plans.  He also asked questions in regard to an exit for the Lochwood development onto 300 West. 

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