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Saturday, April 13, 2013

67 at 67 Run Around the Lake for Library Fundraiser

Let's all support Burke, a great summer friend to the Bear Lake area. And it will help the library too. Ed.
I'm soliciting your help!

This summer, I intend to run around Bear Lake in northern Utah. It is 50 miles around the lake. It is also at an elevation of about 6,000 feet (I live in Kentucky at an elevation of about 800 feet).

Since I am 67, I thought it would be a good idea to try to run 67 miles all at one time, so I'm going to back up the start line 17 miles and run around part of the lake twice so I can do the entire 67 miles.

My goal is to finish in about 14 hours....that's about 12 minutes per mile; not very fast.

I have run 9 marathons but I have never run any distance longer than a marathon - which is 26.2 miles, or about 39% of the 67. Put another way, on my littel run around the lake, after the first marathon distance (26.2 miles), I will still have 41 miles to go and after I've run the 2nd marathon (an additional 26.2 miles), I will still have about 15 miles to go until I get to the finish line.

The help I am soliciting is not to help Louan talk me out of this stupid idea.

I'm doing this run to raise funds for three worthy institutions.

They are:
(1) the Garden City, Utah Public Library, a delightful library with really nice people in the small town where Louan and I spend the summers,
(2) The Kentucky RiverKeeper, an environmental group here in Kentucky where Louan and I serve with some really nice people on the board of directors, and (
3) the S.J. Quinney College of Law on the campus of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah where I went to law school (this year marks 100 years since the law school was founded).

The help I would like is your willingness to spread the word about an old guy like me running 67 miles around a lake.

I would also like your support and the support of anyone you know in terms of sending money to any one of these institutions.

So you will feel comfortable about whether I will live through this, you need to know that I have run over 1,000 miles in training since the beginning of September 2012 and will have completed 1,800 to maybe 2,000 miles by the beginning of August 2013 when I intend to do the run around the lake.

The run will start at 9:00 p.m. on August 2, 2013 at the southern end of the lake and it will end sometime before noon (I hope) in Garden City, Utah at the Garden City Public Library parking lot on August 3, 2013.

If you can help with a financial contribution, choose any of the following and send them your check or your pledge. We'll let you know the results after the run.

The contact information for contributions or pledges is:

The Garden City Utah Public Library
69 North Paradise Parkway, Bldg A
Garden City, UT 84028
Telephone number: 435-946-2950

Kentucky Riverkeeper
300 Summit Street
Richmond, KY 40475

S.J. Quinney College of Law
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Thanks for your help!


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