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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Negus To Leave Fire Board

Chris S. Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  August 15, 2013.  The Garden City Fire District Board met at 6 p.m., Aug. 15, 2013.  Present were Terry Allen, Randall Knight, and Ben Negus.  Absent were Travis Hobbs and Christina Gracey.  Ben Negus submitted his resignation from the board effective when a replacement is named.  Ben said that his job required him to be away more than would allow him, in his own judgment, to be an effective board member.   Chairman Terry Allen thanked him for his work on the Fire Board. 
Information for those interested in the vacant board position is available at the post office.  The fire department has a new cell phone number, 435-994-2460, which should henceforth be used instead of Chief Kurek’s personal phone.
Fire Chief Dan Kurek reported that the department had received a $14,900 DNR Wildland grant that will be used for turnouts and other equipment.  The past training of the firefighters can be counted as matching funds.  On another incident, the work done in the propane tank rollover resulted in a net financial benefit to the department of slightly more than $16,000, all of which will be used for new or replacement equipment and safety gear, such as new pumps for the tender, a 3,000 gallon water snap tank to be carried on the tender, plus new and additional hoses, and other items.

The board discussed the issue of electronic meeting attendance by board members but did not reach specific conclusions about future policy on that issue.  The majority of those board members present were opposed to any board members attending electronically to be counted toward the number needed for a legal quorum (3).
There will be a forthcoming policy for randomized fundamental drug testing for all fire department employees.  It is under development.  Further, the department will, in conjunction with the sewer district and Garden City, consider a plan to replace the worn out asphalt bordering the 3 buildings in the complex.  The project has been put off for the last 6 years.  The cooperative plan, if feasible, will be completed quickly as the season for asphalt work will end mid-fall.
The Raspberry Days breakfast raised $4,100 for the department, a portion of which will be used to buy a tent for the young women of the 1st ward, who worked on the breakfast. The remainder, as promised, is to be used as decided by the firefighters themselves for additional firefighting and support gear. 
Plans are under also under way to paint the tender to reflect its current ownership.


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