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Monday, September 16, 2013

The Muddled Male


By Bob Stevens, The Muddled Male

         I’m afraid that your friend the Muddled Male is in a peck of trouble.  You will remember that in our last visit I offered myself for adoption.  Well, we only received one offer, and that was from our friend Darin, who felt sorry for me and said that he was willing to adopt me on a trial basis.  But, he emphasized, he would do so only if he could return me after three months if he felt that he could no longer stand it.  Well Ann, my wife, heard the first part, packed me and my iPhone in the car, and started down the hill to drop me off.  When Darin called back to reaffirm the second part of the agreement, Ann refused to provide a money back guarantee and the deal fell through.  Now I am in limbo with Ann still feeling the euphoria of my near adoption, and me with no place to go.  I would offer myself for adoption again, but I am afraid that I am now damaged goods because of my visit to the Dermatologist. 

            We lived for fifty years in the Seattle area.  Sunshine was scarce, or filtered, and there was little concern about sunburn or skin cancer.  Then we moved to the rarified atmosphere here on Sweetwater Hill where the sun is constant, burns are frequent, and I don’t like to wear a hat.  Which explains the two faint spots that appeared on the side of my nose after living here a few years.  Those who know me would say that my nose is the most prominent feature on my face.  Ann would say that it is the most prominent feature on Sweetwater Hill.  Either way, if my nose had to be removed it would be a noticeable change to the contour of my face.  Thus the reason for my visit to the Dermatologist who decided that both spots, along with some on my ears and my face were pre-cancerous and needed a magic application of Liquid Nitrogen.  Which explains the now dark, frost bite spots on my ears, nose, and face. 

            When I began lamenting, “Why me,” Ann told me that it was all my own fault since I wouldn’t wear a hat and because every time I write a Muddled Male column my nose grows longer and longer until it is now poking out underneath my furrowed brow and way out into the bright sunlight.  But my real worry was that if the liquid Nitrogen didn’t work, my nose might fall off.  Ann said that if it does, try not to leave it lying on the pillow next to her.  “But,” she said, “If you have to leave it lying there while you go to emergency, please use a clothes pin to pinch the end closed so that at least I don’t have to listen to it snore.”

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