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Thursday, November 14, 2013

County Ambulance Cost To Rise

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

RANDOLPH, Utah.  November 6, 2013.  Kim Wilson, County Assessor, presented personal property tax exemptions to the Commissioners, and they were accepted.  Kim informed the Commissioners that there have been some changes in tax laws on how mobile home parks were handled and noted that the new program takes longer to process. 

Wilson then requested that since the medical disposable items on the ambulance are no longer covered, that the mileage rate for the ambulance be increased to take care of these additional costs that have been pushed back down to the county level.  She reported that when the individuals are billed for the disposable items, they question the bill because in the past these items had been covered and are unexpected expenses to those needing to use the ambulance.  Rich County charges $10 per mile for the ambulance.  The state allows up to $32 per mile.  The County has always held the cost down because of the distances that are involved in this area to get individuals to a clinic or hospital. 

Wilson noted that if the mileage were raised to $15 per mile, the disposable items would be covered and confusion would be alleviated.  It would also expedite billing.  Instead of having to list the ambulance cost and then all of the disposables, one figure could be used.  

After having Wilson check on disposable costs as well as making comparisons with other areas on ambulance costs, the Commissioners made a motion to increase ambulance costs to $15 per mile.

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