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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Rich County Commission

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  February 5, 2014.  A motion was made to amend the current policy dealing with new employees.  New hires are placed on six month’s probation.  After the probation period, they may be given a $0.50 per hour raise.  Cost of living raises are only given at the beginning of a new year. The employee must work an additional six months and will be given the cost of living raise after their full year of work at the next time cost of living raises are given. 

Mitch Poulsen of the Bear Lake Regional Commission requested that a representative be appointed for the Bear Grant.  Mitch will be conducting a survey of local businesses and creating a data base and needs county support.  Norm Weston was asked to continue as the\county contact person on the BLRC (Bear Lake Regional Commission). 

Mitch also indicated that it was suggested that the County Planning and Zoning Commission use a hearing examiner in place of a variance board.   A hearing examiner is generally chosen and hired from outside the area. Apparently most of the counties in the state are following this plan.  It was felt that perhaps Rich County should follow this new plan as well.  The Commissioners noted that they would look into this idea. Mitch explained that there is a variance request coming up, and the Commissioners will need to make a decision fairly soon to either get a hearing examiner or appoint individuals to the variance board to handle this matter.  Mitch also noted that he is currently updating the code book and suggested that a transportation plan for the County be created. 

Bret Argyle reported to the Commissioners that he has made arrangements for evening entertainment for the Rich County Rodeo.  He had several contracts for the Commissioners’ signature. There is a company that will come and take care of the sound for the concerts that will be held.  Due West will be brining a girl singer along with the gentlemen that play.  This will cost about $6,000.  Charlie Jenkins will also be performing on that same night.  There will need to be a generator for the speakers and, it will take an entire day to get all of the sound speakers set up to the desires of the performers. 

Bret also noted that he needs to get the letters out in order to raise money.  He would like to include information about the concert and asked that the Commissioners act fairly soon.  Bill noted that the attorney will look over the contracts prior to their signing them.
Bret reported that it will take at least 1200 people at the concert to break even.  He suggested that tickets be $10 per adult and $5 for young individuals. 

The motion was made to have the attorney review the contracts. 

Bret also suggested that the County show veterans that their service was and is appreciated by giving them a free ticket to the Friday night activity.

Lou Jean Argyle, the County Treasurer, appeared before the Commission.  She noted that one couple had paid twice for the 2013 taxes.  She noted that a refund of one of the payments needed to be made.  She also asked for advice on answering several letters that she had received concerning charges by the Sanitation Department.  The Commissioners noted that anyone who owns property containing any type of dwelling pays sanitation charges twelve months of the year, whether they are in residence or not.  This is the County policy and is necessary in order for the Sanitation Department to be self sustaining.  

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