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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Request That Cheer and Drill Team Be Kept As A Single Unit

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

RANDOLPH, Utah. March 19, 2014. Scott Ferguson, Tammy Hoffman, and Justin Groll each presented information and facts concerning keeping the cheer leaders and drill team as one group or splitting them into two groups.

Ferguson suggested they should be kept as one group.  He noted that the first year they were combined; they did especially well in competitions.  The second year wasn’t as good, but it still seemed to keep the students more united and supportive.  He felt that the young ladies be given the option to participate in both drill and cheerleading, or either one—but not be forced to do both if they didn’t want to.

Hoffman noted that from a financial standpoint, it was much easier to work with one budget.  It was also easier when doing fundraising and it seemed that participation was greater than when the young ladies were combined into one group.  The programs were more united and supportive, and it appeared that the young women were actually developing more talents than otherwise.  The student body was also more united and supportive.  Also one coach for both activities was recommended.

Groll asked that the girls be allowed to choose whether they wanted to cheer, drill, or both.  He thought they should be able to have that choice.  He also suggested that there be once coach with an assistant if necessary.  He did, however, feel they should be kept together in one group.  He noted that the school was more supportive, and the staff did a good job in keeping the group together.

The Rich School Board thanked those who reported to them and noted they would discuss this matter and make a decision of how they will move forward in the future.

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