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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Garden City Council Meeting

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  May 8, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.; and Riley Argyle, head of the Public Works Department, reported to the City Council that he had found an automatic gate that could be used at the City Park.  It automatically opens and closes on a timed system.  It will cost about $1500 plus the expense of installation.  It was suggested that game cameras also be purchased to monitor the park.

The City has found brighter solar powered decorative lights along the highway.  They will do a much better job than those originally used.  Thirteen more sets have been ordered to replace those that are currently being used.

Zan Murray, the City Engineer, reported that the proposed new parking lots are moving forward.  The new parking lots are located at 150 South, 350 South, and 75 North.  They will all be funded by the $500,000 that was obtained from the State.  The City Park enlarged parking area will be paid for from a transportation alternative budget.  All required surveys should be completed in May, and plans drawn and completed in June.

At 200 North going east, the parking will be asphalt.  West on that same street will require a shoulder and some clean up work.  300 West will be graveled along with mag water and perhaps some slurry.

It was asked if the transportation tax could also be used for parking.  No one knew for sure so that will be checked out.  There will need to be pull-out areas—bus stops—for those who will take advantage of City parking and the shuttle service to the lake.

The Tiger Grant has been submitted.  The City will need $400,000 for the required match.  The grant is for $2 million.  If this money is not awarded to Garden City, Utah will not be getting any federal grant funds this year.

The water master plan is nearly complete.  Riley has submitted some additional water data which will be added to the study.  Also the information from Shundahi will also be taken into account.  Some additional work needs to be done dealing with the Shundahi tank.  The line to the tank is too small and must be replaced.  The pumps are not adequate either, and three-phase power needs to be obtained.  Norm’s Eagle Feather subdivision will require a fairly large percent of the tank storage capacity.  The City will be using the excess storage of the tank.  The value of the tank and the pumps need to be determined along with the value of the transmission lines.  There are actually three tanks in the city plus the excess from the Shundahi tank.  The above information will be used to finish up the master water plan.  The results of the recalculation may change slightly the impact fee amount.  It may also require a change in the monthly water rates.

The change of use for two wells has been submitted to the State.  As a result of this change of use, the City will be using water from the Swan Creek Canal Company to fill the pond at Heritage Park during the summer months.

The plans for Heritage Park are complete.  The Council was asked to look these plans over and make any suggestions for changes or improvements that they could see.

Riley noted that the Hodges Canyon Road needs some repair.  Also, at the City Park the road will be widened so that cars can pass going in and out.  There are trees along the south side of the grass that will need to be moved at least 20 or so feet to the north.  Riley thought it would be better to move the trees than to start over with small new ones.

Riley also noted that the City has done work on the canal.  They put in an additional 20 hours that should reduce the amount of the City’s assessment by that amount.  The beaches gate is up on 150 South.  People can walk down and can go around either side of the gate.  Other Lake accesses are being opened up.  There is a bit of a conflict with signage, however.  The people who own property on the beach have signs saying “Thou shalt not enter”, whereas the City signs indicate that there is walking access in that area.  As long as the property owners’ signs are on their personal property, they need to be left there.  The City will need to clarify as much as possible the rights to get to the beach through those access points.

The boat ramp near the Mayor’s home is still there.  The gate is also still in place.  However, again there is no vehicle access at that point so the gate should remain with open areas on both sides of the gate to allow individuals to walk to the shore.  Hopefully the shuttle will help with this problem in giving people an easy place to get off and on the bus without having to try and park their cars near those access points.

Gary Cox, the City Administrator, was asked to work with JUB and UDOT on the plans for the Garden City Park expansion.  He was asked to get cost estimates by July 1.  Currently Danny White is drawing up the plans for the parking at 150 South and 350 South.

UDOT is looking at the turn lanes that will be needed from the Logan Road onto both North and South Paradise Parkway.  Also UDOT wants to check the turn lanes that are in front of the KOA that turn onto Paradise Parkway North.

The Kiosk will have everything ready to go by June 1.  There is a crack that needs to be tarred. Andy Stokes said he would be happy to put up all the business signs that have been printed, and the power company will have the power in place within the next few days.

The Planning Committee has been working on the City ordinances.  Mr. Wiser has been living in a trailer on the Bennion property.  He must be in a trailer court where there is access to water, sewer, and power. 

Riley was encouraged to get as much done on Heritage Park as soon as possible.  He was told to be sure and include the childrens’ play equipment.

The sign at Subway needs to be brought into compliance along with the Pizza Place.  Signs cannot be extending over the highway.

Bruce Warner will be meeting with a couple to get needed documentation on access to Elk’s Ridge.  In the 2013 opinion, the City owns all the rights.  The City needs to get the conveyances done.  Bruce was asked to find out for sure what the City needs to do.  The couple involved have given up the rights for utilities.  The legal opinion was very clear.  The City does have the right to cross this land.  The City will honor the agreement with the owners. 

Dr. Webber agrees that the City does have right to travel over the road by his home for basic uses and to fix problems.  However, it is not a public road and will remain closed.

Elk’s Ridge will not be given any building permits.  They do not have a secondary access, no water has been turned over, no roads meet the standards, and no maintenance has been done on them.  The roads are a major problem.  Those individuals owning property there need to form a homeowner’s association and take care of the required improvements.

The City did pay $60,000 to get a portion of the water tank up on Elk’s ridge.  The City does own the land that the tank is on.  The City also has an easement across the land to get to the tank.  The City is willing to work with land owners, but they also need to be willing to work with the City.

Bruce was asked to work out as many of the difficulties and problems as possible when meeting with these individuals. 

A City transportation plan needs to be written.  A bus can be purchased from Logan City.  They will be selling two busses in June.  They always replace their busses at 100,000 miles.  Hopefully, the City will be able to get at least two in the next month or so.  If the vehicles carry 14 or less people, the drivers do not need to have a CDL license.  Nice vehicles with a trailer behind for beach paraphernalia will work well.  The City can paint or wrap them.

The State Economic Division will be here on the 20th and 21st of this month.  They will be talking about the local economy.  Advertise this activity and invite as many people as you can to go to the meetings.  Mitch Poulsen and Melinda Hislop are in charge.

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