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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Letters To The Editor

To the Editor:  I want to simply address some of the "negatives" put forth about Short Term Rentals by the editor    Garden City has done a fairly good job of creating an ordinance to address these issues and could be looked at as a guide of a way to regulate STR activity to help keep the peace (if an area chooses to allow STRs).

While I still feel some of the current STR ordinance is unfair and needs revision, that is a whole other topic for another day. The most important thing I would like policy makers to remember is that ordinances should be fair compared to similar activities. There is very little difference between STR and Long Term Rentals (LTR), and again very little difference between STR and homeowners living in a home. The use of the home is not changing. The home is a private place to come home to and prepare meals, sleep, and relax. I believe this principle is why these homes are not required to be built to commercial fire and building codes.
Joey Stocking

Ed. Note:  Joey Stocking is correct in noting that Garden City Ordinances for STR are good, including the requirement that there be a property manager less than 15 minutes away from the property, and if HOA boards accept STR then it would be advisable to have them and Rich County adopt Garden City Rules so that there would not be confusion about what is acceptable and what is not.

To The Editor:  Anita, I would like you to know that I have posted the agenda and schedule every month that I've been the Fire Chief at least three days prior to the meeting and I've always posted it at the post office, city office and fire department front door window as required by law. I have not been derelict in my duty to inform the public (which you are a member of) as to the time, place, and agenda. You have never asked me to send you notification of the meeting date and agenda so I have not done so. It is not my responsibility to pick and choose which members of the public to single out for an invitation. A request must be made before I will consider it. As a reporter for this blog, it is your responsibility to use facts when you make statements concerning the failure of the Fire Board to adequately post the agenda and schedule. It's your story however so you are entitled to say what you will, but I ask you to please get the facts straight and not dramatize the story to make on No Fire Board Report This Month?

Mike Wahlberg

Ed. Note:  Most of the governmental bodies when changing a regular date for a meeting will notify RCTonline by e-mail or phone call.  Anita Weston checks the post office, the city office, the fire district office and a governmental website which provides details for all meetings in the state of Utah and found nothing there.

To The Editor: Tammy Calder, thank you for covering the Bear Lake Rendezvous last year. This year the Rendezvous is in the same location in Laketown on August 20th-24th. It would be great if you could write a pre-event blog to help promote it to the locals ahead of time. For info please contact us at

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