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Thursday, August 28, 2014

New Flag Pole At Randolph Cemetery

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  August 20, 2014. George Peart from the Randolph Cemetery Board informed the School Board that the Cemetery would like to install a 50’ flag pole that could fly a 10’ x 15’ U. S. flag.  They would like to install a light so that the flag can be flown 24 hours a day.  The closest connection to the electricity is the school pole on the north side of the school lot.

The school also owns part of the land that the electric line would have to go across in order to reach the ground owned by the cemetery.  Peart requested that the cemetery be allowed to connect to the electricity at the school pole and put a meter at that location so that they can pay for the electricity they use.  They would also need an easement across some of the school’s property in order to place the flag pole in the selected location.  They would like to be able to get the flag pole in place before the end of September.

The School Board made and passed a motion to allow the Cemetery Board to connect to the electricity and put an electric meter on the school pole.  They also will give them an easement across their property for maintenance if and when needed.

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