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Sunday, February 22, 2015

February Garden City Fire Board Report

Chris Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. February 19, 2015.  All board members were present except Howard Pope.  The board voted in favor or retaining Bruce Jorgensen of Olsen, Hoggan, PC, a firm of attorneys in Logan to advise the board on legal issues. 

Chief Mike Wahlberg indicating that he was still working on getting the fire department named as a quick response unit for incidents that occur just across the border in Cache County.  He is working on finding a physician to act as medical director (state requirement) and other parts of the certification.  He understands that a letter of support will be needed from the local EMS association.  It needs to be continually noted that the services Chief Wahlberg wants to provide do not include any ambulance.
The board discussed the possibility and mechanism of providing some support for local youth groups who provide service and assist with the annual breakfast that is directed and run by the department.  The issue will be studied further.

As of now or in the very near future the department expects to have 22 personnel with HAZMAT training, 11 who have or should soon complete the Firefighter II certification, and 20 with red cards allowing fire suppression in the urban-wild lands interface.

A bid in the amount of $5571 was approved for a contractor to inspect, repair, and certify all the emergency breathing apparatus used by the firefighters in the department.  Finally, no bid was received for the proposed external storage shed.  Chief Wahlberg will check to see if the department personnel themselves are interested in a “barn raising” to complete the task.

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