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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rich County Management Plan

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

RANDOLPH, Utah.  July 1, 2015. Brian Carver from Bear River Association of Governments reported that all counties in the State of Utah are being required to create a County Management Plan.  This plan will then become part of the County’s General Plan.  The state legislature set aside $50,000 for each county to begin getting this plan in place.  The Utah Association of Counties is trying to raise some additional funds to assist counties with this plan. 

Some counties in the State have already started this project.  The plan will be similar to the State Plan.  These completed plans can be used to help other counties move forward.  Having such a plan will make it possible for counties to have greater input into Federal land decisions.  According to the Federal Plan, the federal government must consider all state and county decisions.  There needs to be consistency among these various levels of government—federal, state, and county.  Currently, County General Plans have not had the level of detail that would allow for local and state input into the federal decisions.  More data is needed, particularly at the county Level.

Brian Carver noted that he will be willing to help in any way he can to make sure the project moves forward.  The deadline is July 1, 2016—not much time for the size of the project.  There are some specific areas that need to be included such as air, water, and energy.  Each county will need to identify the various areas in the county where specific activities take place such as grazing and so forth.  The state has made five consultants available to the counties to assist with this project as well.

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