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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Insurance Service Office Responds to Fire Department

Chris Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  September 25, 2015. The Insurance Service Office (ISO) finally responded to Chief Mike Wahlberg’s request for information why the ISO was proposing to lower the district’s rating from 6/6x to 7/7x.  It turns out that while the ISO wrote the single line about the “Swan Creek HOA not meeting the minimum requirements and therefore not being recognized” that fact and statement were not the reason for the downgrade. 

The proposed downgrade reason turns out to be a change in ISO standards, specifically requiring the department, in order to keep the existing rating, to have 2 pumper engines and some additional equipment and testing.  This requirement can be met by acquiring 600 feet of 2 ½ inch hose for the white ladder truck, by conducting annual pump testing on both the ladder truck and engine 40, and by completing a structural test on the ladder within the last 5 years.  As the ladder was tested in 2013 and certified at that time that requirement has been met and the chief will complete required pumping tests on the two pump engines on an annual basis.   The department will also acquire the needed hose.  The district has a year to meet all the new standards and the chief noted that it will be a short and easy route for the other requirements to be satisfied so the district will be in full compliance before that time limit.

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