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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Possible New Ski Rec Area Above Bridgerland

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  November 4, 2015.  It was reported to the Garden City Planning Commission that there are 400 acres of school trust land just below the Bear Lake Lookout area and above Bridgerland.  It is actually divided in half by Highway 89.  

Currently this land is being studied for a possible recreational area.  Easements across the area for biking, hiking, and skiing trails are being considered. 

It was noted that there are several locations that could be used for ski trick parks.  These areas are set up as small skiing slopes where people can practice different skiing tricks.  Younger skiers will sometimes spend hours on these slopes becoming more and more skilled in becoming skilled in performing different skiing tricks.  

A master plan is being designed.  The City is interested in working with the school trust land area to make Garden City more available for winter sports instead of only being a summer vacation destination.

1 comment:

ep said...

A magnificent spot for such use - if it passes the necessary studies and considerations.