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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Budget Hearing And Employee Hearing

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

RANDOLPH, Utah.  December 16, 2015. A public hearing concerning the budget for the 2016 year was held.  Copies of the revenue and expenses were available for those in attendance.  Anyone having any questions concerning the budget was given an opportunity to express his or her concerns

There was a slight increase in health insurance with everything else remaining the same.   The cost of living of 4 percent will be passed on to the workers.  There is also the possibility of a market adjustment to salaries during the next year.  The tax rates for 2015 were read, and it was determined to accept those same rates for the coming year. 

The County will be paying one hundred percent of the retirement rates.  The County sanitation will be reauthorized for 2016 at the same rate as 2015.  Rich County has been paying for county sanitation services that they use this past year and will continue to do so during the coming year.  There is no department line adjustments needed.  The budget was adopted as of December 31, 2015.

The public hearing was closed.

A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING was called to order for those individuals working for the County.  There were six employees who attended the meeting.  The County is going to join a non-contributory system.  That means the County will pay one hundred percent of the retirement costs. All county employees will be placed into this system.  Employees will have up to six months to determine if they want to stay in the non-contributing system or go back to a contributing system.  If an individual decides they don’t want to participate in the new system, they can request that their name be removed.

There appears to be some advantages of moving to the non-contributory system.  It will cost a bit less for the County.  An average of the last three years’ salary for a worker will be used to determine their retirement.  This may work to the advantage of the worker instead of the current last five year average that is currently used.  Also, retirement can be taken in 20 years, 25 years, and 30 years.  Currently the time allowed is 20 or 30 years.  The 25 year time period may help some employees who can work longer than 20, but not be able to work for the full 30 years.

The public hearing was closed.

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