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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Crosby Asks For Non Conforming Road Again

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  May 12, 2015.  Rulon Crosby appeared before the City Council.  He was asking that the City Council approve the preliminary plat for a 6-lot subdivision west of 1593 South Bear Lake Blvd. called Cotton Wood Subdivision.  He has been to  Planning and Zoning several times.  Each time, the Planning and Zoning Committee have recommended to the City Council to deny this request because Mr. Crosby cannot meet the City’s required building set-backs. 

There are currently two homes on that property that are too close together to meet the City’s requirements.  By putting a roadway between the two homes makes each of the lots corner lots.  Corner lots require sets back of 20 feet.  This has been done for safety reasons.  There needs to be enough space that individuals using the road have the necessary clearance to be able to see what traffic is on the road before pulling onto Bear Lake Blvd.

Two members of the Planning Commissioner were present—Lance Bourne and Jim Degroot.  They gave reasons for denying the plat.  The City Council discussed this issue for some time.  Several suggestions were given to Mr. Crosby.  They suggested that he move one of the homes onto one of the lots that would be for sale.  This would give plenty of room for the needed road.  Another suggestion was to tear down one of the homes to gain the necessary room.  Others suggested that he build a road into the west side of his property that would give easy access.  None of the suggestions met with Mr. Crosby’s desires. 

Mr. Crosby noted that he had obtained a UDOT access permit.  He said that he knew the Council had the authority to make exceptions and asked that they do so in this situation.  The Council didn’t feel they should give an exception and voted no on giving permission for this subdivision to be built.

Mr. Crosby noted that he would be going to the Variance Committee for permission to build the road between the two homes.

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