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Friday, June 10, 2016

County Constable

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOPH, Utah.  June 9, 2016.  Jim Houghtalen, Rich County Constable, told commissioners that the Utah Association of Counties told him that any county should be able to appoint a constable. Representative Lee Perry said legislative intent of his bill was counties to appoint  constables.  However, UCIP , (Utah County Indemnity Fund) says that it is not the case, so there is some confusion.   Representative Parry is opening a bill file to clarify  the intent.  They are in the process.   

Until that is clarified, Houghtalen has been deputized out of Washington county and he will go back to just serving warrants and small claims.   Commissioner Bill Cox said that Sheriff Dale Stacy and the County Attorney and Houghtaen should write a contract that they are all comfortable with.  Cox told him that he should not continue to act until this is clarified and the County Attorney and the Sheriff meet.  

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