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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Raspberry Days Discussion

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. June 9, 2016 The Raspberry Days Committee told the City Council that they did not want to charge a $1 entrance fee for entry into the vendor area at Raspberry Days.  Mayor Spuhler wanted to know why they were adverse to this suggestion.

The Committee felt that deciding to charge at this point in the process wouldn’t be fair to those participating in the vendor area.  They felt everyone needed to know before committing themselves to participation.  Now is too late to withdraw if the vendors disapprove.

Mayor Spuhler reported that Raspberry Days only makes about $6,000 to $8,000 which is not enough to enhance and improve this City sponsored activity.  A new stage, additional tents, more expensive entertainment, and so forth could improve and make this activity more attractive.  Making changes and improving this venue is not possible at the present time because there is not enough money to add to and enhance this festival. 

The City would like to be able to move this activity to Heritage Park and get the vendors onto the grass instead of asphalt.  However, it will cost a lot of money to get the needed 3-phase electricity, parking lots, amphitheater, and so forth.  The activity needs to make enough money before this change of location can occur. 

The Raspberry Days Committee noted that they would not be against asking individuals to donate for the enhancement of this activity.  They asked that the city provide some plans showing how the Park would look when changes and additions were made.  They are willing to have this poster in the information booth and promised they would draw individuals’ attention to this request.

If it appears that people would be willing to donate to this activity, perhaps a $1 admission could be charged in future years.

It was also noted, that many vendors are not sending in the sales tax.  The vendor’s failure to pay this tax reduces the amount of money the City receives for this activity.  Hopefully, in the future, the vendors will comply with state law concerning sales tax.

A survey could be conducted after Raspberry Days to gather more information from vendors and others who participate in this activity.

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