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Sunday, July 3, 2016

June Rich County School Board Meeting

Chris Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  June 14, 2016.  The Rich County school board held its regular monthly meeting. All members were present.

The board hired Connie England as a special education teacher for North Rich Elementary and will advertise for two part time support staff (classified) positions.

Jaren Wadsworth was named as an assistant volleyball coach.

The board opened its required public hearing on the 2016/2017 budget at 6:30 p.m. Richard Clark clarified that the preliminary data announced at the May meeting had been updated and made firm. There are significant changes from the May predictions, especially in that all the additional increase in assessed valuation was attributed to inflation and not to growth, hence there will be no additional revenue next year as growth due to inflation has to be modified by a tax rate reduction so that the total revenue stays flat. Some of the features of the new budget include:

1) A 2% across the board raise for all full time employees plus a one-time bonus of $1,000 for full time professional staff,

2) The health savings account amount will remain at $2600,

3) Bids for a new bus will be sought. The cost is expected to be near $139,000,

4) Expenditures in the district are expected to exceed revenues by approximately $200,000 in the next fiscal year, requiring the use of money in the reserve.

The board approved the amended budget proposal and then adopted it for 2016/2017. They also formally adopted the property tax rates in the amended budget. There is no proposed tax increase for the next year. It has been 9 years since a tax rate change has occurred that would require a truth-in-taxation hearing. If expenditures continue to exceed revenue there will come a time when the tax rate may have to be increased.

No citizens, apart from this reporter, attended the public hearing on the budget. The meeting was adjourned after less an hour in work, including the public hearing.

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