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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Garden City Council Reports

Anita Weston, reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  September 8, 2016.  Most of the council members indicated that they were working on their assignments but didn’t have much new information

Pat Argyle noted that she is working on Heritage Park.  She asked if she thought the idea of a fall Garden City Clean Up Day would be successful.  She noted that she had contacted Johnsons to see if they would be willing to donate a truck for a day, but indicated that they “didn’t do dirty work.”  She thought she might be able to contact someone else who would be willing to help.

She would like everyone in the town to work outside trimming their trees, weeding, picking up garbage, cleaning the bike path and so forth.  She told the Mayor that Ken Hansen had volunteered to clean the bike path at least once a week, if the City was interested in getting that job done.

Argyle noted that she thought it would be nice to get a few flower pots at Heritage Park just to see if they would work out.  She also noted that she thought a water fountain on the west side of the culvert would be important.

Darrin Pugmire reported that there is a road that has no name in Snow Meadows.  There is a house located on this road.  Debra Eames, Rich County Recorder, keeps track of all addresses and streets in the County.  She needs the street name.  She would then be able to assign and house number to the home that is located there.

Getting Third West to continue on through Garden City out to the south entrance road to Sweetwater Hill is going to be a challenge.  He noted that there are some places that are too steep or too close to Bear Lake Blvd.  He suggested that some additional work needs to be put into the City’s master plan.

Pugmire will now be working with the City’s water system.  Jennifer  Huefner will be over trails and business licenses.

Huefner noted that Planning and Zoning members were well prepared at their last meeting.  She was there and was impressed with the current P&Z Board members.

Mayor Spuhler has been nominated to be on the Utah Cities and Towns Board.  He doesn’t know if he will be placed on that board but noted that he would like to work on it and become more familiar with the legislature and other state activities,  Mayor Spuhler also noted that the City will received about $55,000 in sales tax revenue for the months of July and August.

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