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Monday, September 12, 2016

Some Aspects Of Village Life In The Bear Lake Area

There is an aspect of life in Bear Lake Valley that many part-timers may not observe. It is the voluntary service that greatly benefits the several small towns around the lake. For example, there are many elderly people who live alone. Some do not have a furnace in their house. In the winter they need to build a fire in a stove inside their home. They need chopped wood but they are not able to go out and cut down trees in the nearby forests. They depend on volunteers who go out all day long every fall and cut the wood, including youth who come to their house and chop it into sizes to fit in their stove.

We have watched this happen this week, involving about 18 tree cutters and wood choppers who delivered the wood to grateful recipients.

Then there are ladies who meet weekly to make quilts and donate them to humanitarian services. They have been doing this for decades, producing thousands of quilts for receivers they will never meet.

Civic service is another voluntary version. There is a wonderful library in Garden City. It would not be here without the continuing efforts of several people, particularly in convincing the town leaders to build it. The same is with the wonderful new town park, the Boardwalk, town pond, the swimming pool and beach access.

There are people who answer requests such as replacing a flat tire. They often bring their pick-up truck to help others with moving furniture. Residents also pick up litter at many places, especially around the garbage dumpsters.

Volunteers welcome visitors to the Bear Lake Overlook, Camp Hunt and the Paris Tabernacle.

Churches open every inch of space to welcome visitors for Sunday worship. A massive task. Observers note the courtesy and efficiency of meeting the needs of grateful out-of-towners who then share the message of Bear Lake friendliness.

These are just a few examples of individual service that help visitors, newcomers, and long-time residents.They and more examples build an inviting community spirit that we have enjoyed for four decades in the Bear Lake area.

Doug and Elaine Alder, St. George

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