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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Garden City Public Works Report

Anita Weston, reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. December 8, 2016   Riley Argyle, Public Works Supervisor, reported that one of the snow plows had a hydraulic issue that has now been fixed and working well.  He feels he and his crew will be able to keep ahead of the snow.

There has been a water leak on 150 South that still needs some additional work.  There was a motor at the water treatment plant that had to be replaced.  The heater in the Elk’s Ridge pump house went out.  The workers were able to get it working again.

Fuel pumps have been ordered as well as fuel tanks.  The city can save 80 cents a gallon by taking advantage of the state rates that are allowed to public organizations.  The city will also have to make a space to place the tanks.  It will cost the city about $2,000 to get the tanks and pumps but  Argyle feels that will amount will soon be saved by using the lower price.  It was reported that $150 in fuel was used in just the last two days by the snow plows.

Glenn Gilles, the city’s commercial building inspector, reported that Water’s Edge has started to build.  The club house is the only building at the Legacy PUD that is commercial.  All of the rest of the buildings in that location will be inspected by George Peart, the building inspector for homes.  At Legacy, the footprints on each plot are built to the edge.  The set back requirement in most situations can be changed in a PUD.  CC&Rs need to be written by both of these new developments.

Zan Murray, city engineer, reported that the Elk’s Ridge easement items are moving forward.  Almost all of the signatures have been obtained.  It should be completed within the next week or two.

Murray had met with Rod Terry concerning 300 West.  The grant that was obtained was using federal funds.  However, the amount has been lowed by the state from 1.3 million dollars to one million.  Murray said he would check to see why the state had entered into this project.  With the change in the amount of money, the road can be completed, but the bike path that was to be included may have to be left for later on.

Plans and designs can be done and building can begin in October 2017.  There are several things that can be done this next year including environmental work, and the right of way by the pond.  Most of the road has a wide right-of-way.  However, when it gets near Buttercup is only 66 feet wide.  Also, there is a curve that needs to be broadened out to maintain a 35 MPH speed in that area by the pond. 

The paper work on the water rights from Shundahi has been completed.  The application with Swan Creek Village concerning water rights is still pending.
Robert Peterson, the City’s Ordinance Officer, reported that the TRT grant will probably be used to build the beach access lane south of Legacy.  It will cost about $100,000.  This means that it will be two or three years in order save enough of the TRT money to complete this project.  A fence will be built along with an asphalt pathway to the lakeshore.

There have been several incidents concerning signs that do not conform to the sign ordinance.  Bob has been working with several business owners to get them back in compliance with the ordinance.

There has been an issue of culinary water theft and Bob has had to give out a warning.  Hopefully this problem is resolved.

Computers for the water treatment plant have arrived along with the computers for the library. 

Bob noted that he is going to be working on the zoning ordinance making minor changes so that there will be greater clarity for this ordinance.

Bob has been meeting with the Utah Trust Insurance Company.  He has been impressed with this company.  They have been most helpful, have presented several excellent seminars, and want to look out for their members.  It is a good company.  He said having the city go with company has been a real plus.

Buttercup’s HOA is dissolving.  They are giving all of the green space in that HOA to the City.  A quick deed for the green space will be the document used to make the transfer.  A letter has been written by the City acknowledging this donation and making it known that they will accept this property.

Currently most of the advertising monies are spent on ads encouraging people to come to Bear Lake in the summer.  However, our town is completely filled in the summer.  The City would like to get the advertising monies to be used in encouraging people to come in the fall, winter, and spring times.  Since the city doesn’t get that much of the TRT money, it would be nice to be able to encourage those who do the advertising to quit spending the majority on summer encouragement.  It would be better used letting people know about Beaver Mountain Ski Resort, snowmobiling possibilities, ice fishing, snow shoeing, etc.

It was suggested that perhaps an economic development person could be hired.  The city is currently looking into using Quatrics which is a way to gather data concerning those who come to Garden City to vacation.  The better the data the city has, the better decisions they will be able to make to cater to the visitors here.

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