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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Rich County Management Plan

Kerri Hislop and Anita Weston, reporters
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  January 4, 2017.  The State of Utah requested that each county in the state prepare a resource management plan. The plan was to include many areas and topics of interest to the State.

Mitch Poulson, the Director of Bear Lake Regional Commission, was asked by the Commissioners to write up this plan on behalf of Rich County. There is a deadline that needs to be met in submitting this plan to the State. Mr. Poulson was asked to report to the Commissioners how the plan was progressing and to see if they could help or assist in any way to move the plan forward.

Poulson presented a rough draft to the commissioners of a few of the areas that were requested to be included in the management plan. He submitted material concerning the following:

The current assessment of all natural resource issues was submitted.

County culture and history—how it is going to fit with Rich County

Management strategies are included that will affect the locals.

A weed section will be written. Greg Peart will assist in putting this section together.

Forrest management which includes firefighting cost, logging effects and so forth, will be included as well.

Water rights which include water shed, flood plains, and wet lands will also be summarized.

Wildlife resources, which include the role of predators, will be a separate section.

Tourism data will be added. Deanna Rothlisbeger will be assisting with this area.

Energy Resources, particularly looking into solar farms, will be considered.

Wilderness areas that support fish and wildlife will be included as well. The suggestion was made to check with the forest service for specific wilderness areas within the County.

A discussion was held to determine how much money should be spent on the report, what part of the budget will be affected by the report, and how that will work for the County.

It was determined that peer review would be needed as well as making sure all areas are covered. The state regional guide needs to be contacted in case he has suggestions for additional areas that needs to be included, or some that perhaps can be removed from the plan.

The plan needs to be comprehensive with plans included with each issue as well as enough detail and information to satisfy the state’s request.

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