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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Bear Lake Regional Commission Reports On Bike Trail

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  March 6, 2017.  Mitch Poulsen, Director of the Bear Lake Regional Commission, and Tyler Stewart, an engineer, appeared before the County Commission to ask for permission to survey the proposed bike path going southeast of Ideal Beach.  The plan is to extend the bike path as far as the Epic Rental Area or a bit further just before turning to the south along Bear Lake.  Poulsen had written a grant asking for $600,000 to $700,000 for this project.  The project will have to be scaled back because the grant only brought in $300,000.

Poulsen asked that a survey be made to determine a more accurate cost estimate for the bike path project.  Estimates could then be made as to the quantities of material that will be needed and give a better idea of how far the path can be extended.

Commissioner Cox noted that UDOT had completed a boundary survey that could give Poulsen and Stewart the necessary points without having to resurvey that area.  Cox said that where the cut had originally been made for the road, it was discovered that it was almost solid rock in that area which may require more money and effort.

Poulsen asked if he could withdraw needed funds out of the $47,000 grant that had been obtained for this project.  Cox suggested that the funds be made available from the county and then reimburse the County as the project moves forward.  Cox told them that once the project gets started the funds will be available.  State dollars can’t be obtained until after the project is underway.

Poulsen is still working with proposed routes for special events.  He has developed a map showing several alternatives that could be used by those setting up these events.  Cox asked that he be sure and let the commissioners know when and where the special events will be held.  They want to make sure there won’t be any problems.  The Commissioners, after looking at the proposed routes, gave a few more suggestions of areas and roads that might be used.

Joe Cole had asked Poulsen to get him placed on the April Agenda to get permission for the triathlon race to be held the middle of September.  Mitch passed this information on to the Commissioners.

Poulsen then reported to the Commissioners on the progress being made on the Resource Management Plan that is required by the State.  He is currently holding meetings every two weeks with different individuals to get the needed information for the various sections of the report.  He noted that he wanted to put the policies and procedures in the front of the article with short summaries for each area.  He said he thought he should emphasize and focus on the main six topics and then touch on the other 21 areas. 

Cox told Poulsen that if all important information on all 27 topics in the management plan is not included, the BLM or the Forest Service can take over certain areas without even consulting with or talking to the local government agencies.  He said it was very important that every section have as much detail as possible.

Poulsen said he would continue working on the project and gather more information as quickly as possible.

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