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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Garden City Public Works Report

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  March 9, 2017.  Riley Argyle, Public Works Supervisor, reported that the new software at the treatment plant has been put in place.  This is a huge step forward.  There is an old motor that will be sold.  They would like to use the money from the motor put into the road budget to help fix potholes.  Argyle reported that Buttercup needs a good chip and seal job done on the roads there. He again noted that the culverts on Third West do need to be replaced.

Argyle reported that he had attended some meetings in St. George that were helpful.  He will be attending some meetings in Rock Springs in order to maintain his certifications.

Bear Lake Water Company needs more water meters.  The BLWC has also requested that it become a public entity instead of a private company.  That request was made to the County Commissioners at their meeting a week ago.

In water rights laws, there is a non use clause.  That means that even if you own water rights, you must use them or lose them.  Water companies and cities can buy back shares that are not being used.

There are air compressors at the water treatment plant.  Glenn’s Electric sold the City a compressor for $2,200 which is a good price.  They switched brands from what they were using before.  This will give uninterrupted service for quite some time.  If, however, there is a problem Glenn Electric said they could have it replaced within a week.   Ever three years, the water treatment plant must have a sanitary inspection.  That helps keep everything in top running order.

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