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Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Pickleville Philosopher

By Jim Stone, Pickleville Philosopher

I was thinking about things that as we all get a little bit older maybe we don’t do any more, but have such great memories that don’t involve cell phones, computers, TV, and Xbox on TV.  Things that involve nature and the wonderful outdoors with the people we all care the most about.  For me in ten years I’m not gonna have fond memories of spending my day playing Xbox but things I am going to remember as a young kid is skipping rocks on a big beautiful lake or building a giant sand castle out of pure clean sand on the beach while getting sunburned and wishing I woulda put sunscreen on like mom said a dozen times.

This story is about making dandelion jewelry... well I don’t know too much about you folks but when I was a kid and my friends and I ran out of something fun to do, it’s not that we were prone to being mischievous but we just got plain bored...

I remember my mom taking us to the city park for a picnic.  We would play on the merry go round slippery slide, monkey bars and those old spring loaded rocking horse things, in other words boring stuff.

Well you know how dandelions grow everywhere no matter how much money you spend on weed killers. I think in some cases weed killers are mislabeled, they should be called weed growers, yours for just/$24.99!  Dandelions seem to soak it up and keep on growing.  Anyway, my mom was picking them and popping the flowers off and connecting the stems together to make bracelets and necklaces. It was way cool.  Before long all us kids had nearly every dandelion in whole park.  We made everything from head and ankle bands to hats. My friend even tried two make a hula hoop, it worked for about five minutes then fell apart.

We ended up totally forgetting about the park and learned a simple treasure from my mom that is now a life time memory, making dandelion jewelry and in our case all the accessories too.

Spring time is coming soon the dandelions will be out and everywhere.  If you have youngsters give it a try.   I’ll bet everyone will have fun while you see their imagination and what kind of neat things they can make.

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