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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Garden City Staff Meeting

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  May 11, 2017.  Glen Gillies, Commercial Building Inspector, reported that the work being done at Blue Water Beach is nearly completed.  Water’s Edge is moving forward. Nate Perry has turned in all the paperwork for the Legacy Resort, and it looks good.  Harry Bennion’s business has been sold.  A restaurant will be placed at that location.  The restaurant will serve hamburgers, and they are hoping to be open sometime in July.

Zan Murray, City Engineer, passed around the plans for the boardwalk and viewing platform that will be built on the south side of the Legacy Subdivision.  He noted that asphalt or concrete were probably the best surface to use for the walkway.  Where there are wetlands, there will be a boardwalk over that area.  He is checking into the price of both Trex and pressure wood.  Paver stones cost most than either Trex or pressure wood, so he didn’t think that was a viable option.  The most inexpensive is asphalt, but concrete would probably hold up longer and give a better overall surface.

There will be fences and railings along the walkway.   The viewing platform will be approximately 30’ x 12’.  A bid has been put out to contractors.  Currently, they are checking the area.  A drill hole will be made on Monday, and the test hole will go down about 6’6”.  After checking things out, the permit should be given by May 18.

There is a list of several lumber companies that would like to bid on the cost of the wood.  Murray noted that he thought basic framing would be used and that 2 x 12’ pressure treated wood would be the best and easiest to use in building the boardwalk.  Hollis, from the Army Corp. of Engineers hasn’t look at the permit yet.   Hopefully, he will go through it soon.

June 10 is the day that the town citizens along with those individuals who live in the subdivision that closed the six accesses to Bear Lake will be working together to get this walkway underway. Hopefully there will a lot of volunteers who will want to help.

Riley Argyle, the Public Works Supervisor, says that 300 west plans are moving forward.  There are a few curves near Buttercup that needed to be smoothed out so that there will be a better travel speed on that road.

Elk’s Ridge agreement has all been signed except for Webbers.  That will happen soon.  The easements for that area must be taken care of.   Because most of the paperwork has been completed, applications for grants  will be filled out soon.  Hopefully the City will be able to get a grant in August.  However, if that date is too soon, the application will be sent to the national level for redistribution of funds.

All water lines need to be in on 300 West before the road is started.  This should be taken care of this summer for sure.  The crossing of the water lines is unrelated to the road, so the City can’t use road funds for this project.  The water lines are on the west, and the sewer line will be on the east of the road.

The 300 West road has a 100’ right-of-way until it gets close to Buttercup where the right-of-way slims down to 80’.

Norm Mecham needs to have water lines from the water tank to the Shundahi Subdivision.  He has asked that this be completed soon.

There will need to be at least two more men added to the payroll for the summer.

There have been water leaks everywhere and that is what Riley Argyle, Public Works Director, has been working on for the last couple of weeks.  There is another leak on 100 West that will be fixed this coming Monday.  The steel pipes are rusting out, which is causing most of the problem.  The Canal above Buttercup is leaking quite a bit along the 300-yard curve.  The canal shareholders are unwilling to pay more for each of the shares they own, thereby making it difficult to take care of the canals as they should be. Woodruff is currently paying $40 per share in order to pipe their canal.  Randolph piped their canal many years ago.  There is a meeting of Hodges Irritation Company tomorrow night.  Swan Creek Irrigation Company will be meeting on Saturday.

The speed bumps will be put in place in the next day or two.  The software that was purchased for the water treatment plant is working well now.  It just took some time to get things working properly.

There are lots of blue stakes out right now.  The south end of the City is getting fiber optics.  Some of the new homes need water connections.  The City is getting wireless capability.  The tower is going to be placed up on Shundahi.

It was suggested that an ordinance be put in place requiring all new housing developments be required to put in the conduit for fiber optics.  That is the direction of the future, and it is not expensive if done before homes are built.

Robert Peterson is quitting his City job.  He will still work with the City one day a week, but he has several other opportunities that he would like to explore.  He said, “ There is more money and more opportunities out there.”

Glen Gillies will not only be doing the commercial building inspections, but he will also the be the enforcement officer for the City.

Bob Peterson  reported that CentraCom is close to getting the antenna up for wireless internet capabilities for the City.

There are some parking issues in town.  The growth of the City as well as the numbers who are coming to the area in the summer is not slowing down.  The City needs to be more concerned about growth projects.  Currently there are issues concerning the Church Building.  It is not large enough to handle the large crowds.  They are using all of the City Parking that is close to the Church as well as their own parking.   These are major and significant issues.  Letters have been sent to the Stake President, and other individuals to let them know that there are major issues here in Garden City.   Hopefully, the Church will begin to look at this matter more closely and will get some information on what they are going to do.

It has been suggested that the fire marshal be present at each of the meeting and make sure that the building is not overcrowded.  This, however, is not really a solution, only a temporary measure.

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