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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Zero Fatalities

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah. June 8, 2017. Natalie Lovell, Public Relations, Zero Fatalities, UDOT, told commissioners that last year 280 people were killed on the highways. Ninety four percent were due to human error.

There are five deadly driving sins. Drowsy driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, impaired driving and not buckling up. In Rich County distracted and aggressive driving are the most prevalent. Lovell said that there are five points to avoid distracted driving:

1. Focus on your driving

2. Hit the off button on cell phone

3. Never reach for anything in the car

4. Be a good passenger

5. Pass it on

To avoid aggressive driving which includes tailgating, speeding, crossing double yellow lines and driving angry.

1. Plan ahead

2. Go ahead and be late

3. Don’t drive when you feel angry or upset

4. Driving is not a race

5. Follow the laws on the road.

Not buckling up takes the most lives. This year 172 lives were lost just because victims were not wearing seat belts. It is a primary law. Being unbuckled increase risk of injury or death to others by 40%. Whe a passenger is not buckled and is not buckled not only are they in danger but so are the other passengers as they become a flying projectile. Five rules:

1. Everyone buckles up for the entire ride

2. Always use lap and shoulder belt properly

3. Don’t get comfortable

4. When you are driving you are the boss, your rules apply

5. Just a passenger? Speak up about buckling up

The 100 deadliest days are from Memorial to Labor day when fatalities double. Zero Fatalities representatives are going to every county in the state to spread the message. There is online toolkit at  where there are countless resources. Police and highway patrol are involved in many of the programs.

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