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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Pickleville Philosophy

A Phone Call
By Jim Stone, The Pickleville Philosopher

Well I made it through Raspberry Days.  Today has been pretty slow.  I was sitting here thinking about a late night phone call from one of my oldest friends.   He was heavy in mind about how his life was going.

Its amazing how when you’re true friends with someone even if you haven’t seen or talked with them in many years it seems that things between friends just always stay the same.   You might not see or hear from them much but you never stop caring about them and their well-being.  I love to check in on friends maybe that’s one reason I’ve enjoyed Facebook so much, it’s kinda a update on how everyone is doing but I’d rather just make a phone call and really catch up.   I was thinking a phone call doesn’t cost much and is worth a fortune  anyway. I scribbled a poem down about a simple phone call.

“’s worth a phone call…
Sometimes it's worth a simple phone call
Sometimes it just might make your whole day

Sometimes a simple phone call just gives you a great ending to a good day or even a bad day.
Sometimes a simple phone call just takes you away turning a not so good day into a wonderful day with a great ending.

Sometimes it’s worth a phone call...just a thought...maybe  I’ll call...maybe I’ll call you back, maybe I won’t call you back .
It’s depending on why I’m calling you right now.

Maybe you’ll call me back; maybe you won’t call me back, it depends on what we are talking about right now. You’ll call me back or I’ll call you back because the way it’s going right now.
It’s just …maybe it’s for sure.

So for sure, I won’t just maybe call you back.
I’ll for sure call you back
Just a thought, maybe I’ll call…
Well, make a few phone calls and check up on old friends.

Speaking for myself, my late night phone call last night just brightened up my whole day.”

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