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Monday, October 9, 2017

No Bookmobile In Rich County

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  October 4, 2017.  There will be no Bookmobile in Rich County because of changes in Summit and Cache Counties library use.   Rich County can’t use the Cache County library any longer and so their part of funding of the Bookmobile has ended. 

The Bookmobile came two times a week.  Then Summit County discontinued their contract with the Bookmobile, which meant that there was not enough funding for the Bookmobile without Cache County too.  The school district also pulled out of the Bookmobile funding.

The books that Rich County owned were put in a remodeled space in the Senior Citizen Center in Randolph creating a small library. 

Rich County has been using Cache County's database and cataloging system but now with Cache County developing their own system it means that the Rich Library no longer has a cataloging system. 

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