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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Bear River Mental Health Finances.

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  December 6, 2017.  Reed Ernstrom and Rob Johnson, Bear River Mental Health, told county commissioners that the audited financial statement was a clean audit.  They show a loss of million dollars this year mostly because they had transferred 15 apartments used for Mental Health clients because it is more  BRAG  competency.

They need to  estimate how many people will be in the hospital each year.  This year $1.5 million was spent for inpatient mental health stabilization.  More people have been admitted for longer stays and more acute needs.  They think with more case management the hospital stays can be shorter.  Medicaid revenue was down $167,000, but they still are in a strong cash position because the four previous years they had gained a million dollars.

Suicide is a big topic being discussed in the State Legislature.  Teens are more at risk.  Ernstrom said that “hopefully by having therapist in school might identify students who are struggling.”

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