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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Landfill Summer Hours

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  January 3, 2018. Times for the Rich County Landfill will change for the summer.  Commissioners were asked to approve summer hours of 8a.m. to 4p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.  The landfill will be closed on Sunday and Monday.

In the winter the landfill is open Tuesday through Friday 12 noon to 4 p.m.

Lynn Weston , newly appointed Sanitation Supervisor, said that closing the landfill to the public on Mondays would allow one more worker to be part of the garbage collection that increases on the weekends .  They have pickup on Saturdays and Sundays in Garden City on the weekends and then another pickup on Monday if needed.  Saturday is the busiest time at the landfill as people bring large items.  Contractors use the landfill to dispose of waste although many use the dumpsters which is against the law and that construction  waste causes damage to the trucks.

Four people work on the trucks in the winter and in the summer they hire one extra part time person. The trucks take a two hour round trip to empty dumpsters and bring the trash back to the landfill, for Garden City they make several round trips.  In the summer the sanitation workers may work ten to eleven hour days.

Weston said that cardboard boxes are 80% of the garbage and that he is looking into finding ways to have residents recycle the boxes.

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