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Sunday, June 10, 2018

School Security Officer?

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  June 6, 2018.  The Rich County School Board met with  Rich County Sheriff Dale Stacy, to discuss having a resource officer in each of schools.  Stacy thinks that he can hire one and see if it works to improve security.  If the school could pay for the winter salary then they could use sovereign lands money for summer. Stacy think s it will cost $77,000 – 80,000  in terms of salary and benefit and training and uniforms and equipment.  They want the officer at the school when the kids are coming to school and when they are leaving

Stacy said that it is very hard to hire law enforcement now.  Without the pension and retirement benefits that the legislature took away law enforcement agencies are now having a terrible times getting applicants.
There are also other safety concerns, they need someone who is good with children and has been vetted as to their character.  Commissioner Bill Cox said that it will be very hard to find even one officer, and it must be a person of trust.

Stacy said he had talked to three Cache County deputies and was told they wouldn’t drive over for the summer wages that they had been paid in the past.  He thinks that for  $16.50 an hour he can get someone, but last year they were not able to hire anyone.  The summer funding will come from Sovereign Lands. They will have to hire someone who is post certified. It is a seasonal job so it needs to be a part-time job for someone who has another job, and very few people want to come so far for a seasonal job. 

Stacy said he needs to work out logistics for the county and school sharing a resource officer.

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