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Monday, June 18, 2018

Spotlighting Restrictions

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah.  June 6, 2018.   Ben Willoughby, County Attorney, told commissioners that there needed to be an ordinance restricting the use of spotlights while hunting within Rich County.  Sheriff Dale Stacey agreed, saying that they should limit spotlight hunting as much as possible.

State law may be used to hunt coyote, red fox, and raccoon, striped skunk when the county allows it and has some restrictions.  The county may not allow those animals to be spotlighted.  They can be hunted if they are doing agricultural or farm animal damage even if there is a county law against spotlight hunting.  Willoughby thought that the county ordinance written in 1977 was outdated.  Norm Weston said that he had been educated that not having a county ordinance against spotlighting could bring in hunters from all over traipsing on agricultural land and through herds.

This only applies to spotlighting while hunting with a firearm or bow and arrow. it does not prohibit farmers from spotlighting their cattle to protect them. 
Any person who is protecting fields or their domestic animals is exempt from the law according to the State Division of Wildlife Resource.  This new ordinance protects animals by state law.  The county can be more restrictive than state law but not less.  Commissioner Bill  Cox said that it needs to be reviewed by hunters and farmers.  He suggested that it should be allowed to protect stored feed.

The Commissioners will take action on it next commission meeting.

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