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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Ambulance Charges

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH,Utah.  August 6, 2018.   Kim Wilson, County Assessor, said that ambulance costs are going up. Right now the county understands that taking an ambulance to the nearest hospital can be very costly so although the county is allowed to charge $1017 for the ambulance, the ambulance service currently charges $700 plus $30 a mile which from Garden City to Logan Regional would cost an additional $1500.

Wilson said that if they do not transport they cannot charge. However, it is legal to charge for supplies and medication used at a call which is not being done yet.  Sheriff Dale Stacy said that they have been called 7 or 8 times to same house to help in an emergency situation.  He said that they are buying medication, using IV needles and medication and currently cannot charge for that. They are pleased to respond because they know if they didn’t respond, the person would die.

Commissioner Bill Cox noted that if there is medical treatment, the county will have to charge to recoup the costs. “We like to help but without reimbursement it will be a problem with funding the service.”  Cox suggested that Wilson make a cost list of what could be reimbursed and what the cost for each  service should be.  They need to review the costs for this year to see what the shortfall is.

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