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Monday, November 12, 2018

Eighteen Wheeler Philosophy

“My Hello Mighty!”
By Mel Hansen

June Marie Saxton certainly doesn’t need an endorsement from the likes of me, but my pretty little wife and I have now become admirers of her literary talent.

My wife has read to me this book in the past week and a half whilst I’ve either been sitting next to her on the sofa or over the phone, via Bluetooth, while I’m on the road.

I really love watching and listening to my pretty little wife as she reads to me. She really gets into each each one a particular voice and attitude!  It’s like she becomes the character in the book herself, her facial expressions and tones/levels of voice are priceless! I could listen to her read all day!

We fell in love with June Marie’s book instantly!  And “My Hello Mighty!” at times I was beginning to think we were never going to get through the book! If Gwenda wasn’t laughing, she was crying, and I even had to fan her with my hand at times to keep her eyes dry and contacts from falling out! Gwenda enjoyed reading it to me. I do believe she’s become fluent in the Native American Shoshone language!

Junie is a talented young lady! I’m honored to know her and her family! Her parents were very instrumental in my life. They loved me.  They had faith in me, despite all of my shenanigans! I miss them. I’m positive that Bishop Weston and Pam are very proud of their daughter.

This book even has a character in it named Melvin! He’s a bit of a twit, but I don’t know of a Melvin who isn’t.

My favorite line in this book is  "Salvation means not getting caught!” Can I ever identify with this line of reasoning, for it could have been mine and my buddies motto when we were hellyuns growing up in the Bear Lake Valley! We never worried too much about the consequences of our actions.  Just not getting caught was our #1 priority, and if caught, you were the only one involved!  Protect your buddies at all cost!

So my little Junie, my pretty little wife will be reading to me the rest of your books, and after each one is finished, I’ll be sure to  "Spit across the sidewalk"in your honor!

You’re a damn good kid!  And thanks for sharing your talents with us.

1 comment:

ep said...

You're a great writer too! It takes writers and readers and listeners ...
Thank you for the post!