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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Eighteen Wheeler Philosophy

Lesson at the Truck Stop
By Mel Hansen, The Eighteen Wheeler Philosopher

I keep thinking to myself about the event that I witnessed at the TA Truck Stop in Nebraska two nights ago.

I stopped there for my 10 off so I decided to go into the restaurant and order me up a plate of fries with brown gravy. Waitress told me to seat myself so I picked out the back corner booth and planted myself. Whilst walking to my booth I passed a man who was rather unkempt (This describes 99.3333% of your average truck drivers these days) who probably had at least four used salad plates and five or seven soup bowls stacked up and was still working on another salad plate along with another bowl of soup! Must be all ya can stuff down soup and salad bar tonight I thought to me self.

The waitress came to take my order, shaking her head back n forth as she passed this man enjoying his all ya can eat. I asked her to just bring me a big plate of fries smothered with brown gravy.  She said, “I’d ask ya if you want soup or salad to go with it but I think we’re all out.” I said the fries would be enough and she was on her way again shaking her head back n forth as she passed the man two booths in front of me.

I could hear this man speaking but couldn’t make out what he was saying because I couldn’t get my ears to pop and the country music over the speakers was a tad bit loud, but I could hear him having a conversation with himself.  In between songs I could hear just enough of his conversation with whomever that I could tell this gentleman had a speech problem or was a tad too lit up.

He looked over his shoulder a couple of times and said something to me.  I couldn’t understand but only a few words so I just grinned and said "I know what ya mean!”...which was a lie.

A young married couple who I watched climb down at of their big rig through the big window came in and sat down at a table directly across from the booth where the ol fella was at, the young lady with her back to the ol fella. The waitress came with water and menus and left them to decide.

About this time the old Country Classic Song by the late great Merle Haggard, Lets Chase Each Other Round the Room Tonight, started coming across the speakers. The waitress had just brought me my fries 'n brown gravy. After adding a titch more salt and pepper I picked up my fork and was just about to stab a forkful when I looked up just in time to see the ol fella reach across the isle and gently pinch the young lady on her left side! She jumped, let out a little scream and turned in her chair to look who had pinched her!

As soon as she looked at the ol fella I thought he was soon to be a dead man! But before she could say or do anything, the ol fella leaned in her direction and said,in a voice loud enough for the dozen or so of us seated could hear,”How ‘bout it sweetness!...would ya like me to chase ya round the room tonight!?”

The whole place went silent and no one moved including my soggy gravy fries dangling on my fork! I looked at her husband thinking he was going to get up and pulverize the ol fella but he had a grin on his face and was making no motions in the ol fella’s direction.

Now here’s how the young lady handled the situation, one in which she had every right to get mean and verbally abuse the ol fella! Instead she gave the ol fella a big smile and said "Thank you Sir for making my day!...I’ve been sitting in that Semi out there all day and... I know!...I look like road kill!... but thank you for finding me attractive enough for you to want to chase me around the room tonight!”

What a classy lady! The ol fella told her "Well just remember!...if your husband there won’t?...I will!" Again the classy lady told him "I’ll be for sure to hunt ya up sweetie!"

What could’ve been a messy situation was averted by the lady and her husband's refusal to not be civil and immediately become offended! I do believe that they recognized that the ol fella might’ve had problems based upon his shabby attire and his speech problem.

And to add to their non controversial ways, when the ol fella got up and walked to the counter, he did so with a heavy limp on his left leg, the young lady got up and walked with him and paid for his meal and gave him a pat on his cheek!

I admit!... I felt ashamed of myself for not taking a minute or two of my time and go sit and talk with the ol fella and pay for his meal. I had plenty of time. I’ve done it before, but didn’t then.

There’s still great people out there in the world! Too bad all we see/read/hear, some even taking more time/delight in finding the negative...than finding the good! At least I was blessed to see and be taught such a great lesson in kindness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You’re a genuine person does my heart good to hear your stories because they always find a way to make me want to be a better safe my friend and keep on truckin’ 😉